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Has anyone seen a Ghost or have proof of one..

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I have a photo of my daughter when she was a baby sat in her bouncer and down one side of her theres a swirly "thing"..

It definately wasn't in the shot when I took the photo, but it showed up on the developed photo..

I'll see if I can find it and upload it..


Found it.. HERE

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I have seen ghosts. Many other people have also seen ghosts, therefore they must exist.


The problem starts when some week-minded people decide that these "ghosts" must be the spirits of dead people, with no real evidence. I have no idea what the "ghosts" I saw actually were, but they are probably caused by all kinds of things, often vibrations outside of normal hearing, optical illusions, mass hysteria etc. Normal people would look into these more likely explanations, but the deluded tend to think a red indian guide has told them it is their dead grandmother.

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Hey Richie I was wondering if perhaps you'd comment on my post from last night. I'm intrigued that you found my comment so funny that you involuntarily rolled around on the floor laughing, what does that say about the state of your mind?


Are you open to the (extremely likely) possibility that I'm absolutely right about ghosts?

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I have a photo of my daughter when she was a baby sat in her bouncer and down one side of her theres a swirly "thing"..

It definately wasn't in the shot when I took the photo, but it showed up on the developed photo..

I'll see if I can find it and upload it..


Found it.. HERE


Looks like a hair got across the lens when you took the shot.

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I have seen a ghost.


About 2 years ago I was on my own downstairs in the living room and to the left of me was my grandad who had died 3 years before I was born. I ran upstairs to my mum and described what he was wearing and he had died in that outfit I had described. How could I have seen him so clear and know what he were wearing?


Our house used to be very haunted. My nanan bought my sister a huge wooden dolls house and problems started from then....Someone used to walk up and down the landing. Then it wrecked the dolls house....one morning we woke up and all the fencing had been ripped off and it was in a pile in the middle of the floor. It started getting worse and it made it's presence more obvious. One night a little girl was laughing outside my bedroom(the one with the dolls house in), it was clear it wasn't from outside. We saw her orb quite often. We wondered if she were linked to the dolls house....It's now put away in a wardrobe.


Things went missing and were found underneath the carpets. Jewelry from one room were found under the carpet in another room. I were laid in bed one night and someone was tapping something metal against the metal poles on my bed right next to my ear. My mum also walked into my bedroom to see someone sitting on my bed.


For the past 3 years coming upto October time someone knocks on our front door at 6pm every night. We look outside and there is nothing there??


Last year my nanan was very poorly and my mum was helping her walk upstairs and she went 'Can you tell that little girl to move?' and my mum was like 'What you on about?' and she said a girl was stood at the top of the stairs. My nanan was close to death then and apparently you can see the dead when you are dying. Could this be the girl from my bedroom?


My nanan died just after that but before she did we had a carer here 24/7 and she said to me 'Don't be scared but your grandad is here and some more of your family'. But before she said that I was scared to go upstairs because you got to the top and it all went absolutely freezing. We had to cross my nanans bedroom to go to the bathroom. You could just tell people were there. My nan died that night when the family came and the day after we could still hear her shouting. The night after someone was in here bedroom opening the wardrobe draws and going through carrier bags. It was as clear as anything. It carried on for a week or so but s soon as she were laid to rest it all stopped.


Also I kept getting 3 long scratch marks from my chest down my belly and they were quite deep. They used to clear up and then they would come again. I never felt anything until the morning. They were in a triangle shape with the top of the triangle facing upwards. So no way could it have been my fingers nails. It was as though it was the middle three fingers but someone doing it from above me.


We now have blessed crosses in my bedroom as it all got to much.


There are alot of other things that have happened aswell..


I believe ghosts are real.

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Looks like a hair got across the lens when you took the shot.


Which is very possible yes, and the most likely explanation of the swirly thing :)


And as for the photos with orbs on them, I have some of them too, but I'm not convinced about them being spooks or anything.. More likely to be dust in my opinion..


Oh and as for the photos with faces in them, you can make faces out of anything really.. Look at the clouds and I'm sure you'll find one that looks like a face..


I'm not 100% convinced that ghosts exist.. I've had a few very weird things happen around me which can't be logically explained, but until I see one for myself, right in front of me with my very eyes and not in just a photo which can easily be faked, I'll stay on the fence..

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Hey Richie I was wondering if perhaps you'd comment on my post from last night. I'm intrigued that you found my comment so funny that you involuntarily rolled around on the floor laughing, what does that say about the state of your mind?


Are you open to the (extremely likely) possibility that I'm absolutely right about ghosts?


My state of mind is just great thanks. Yep I found your comment **** funny & as I have read through most of your comments on other theads, its shows your mentality and therefore I've already taken a dislike to you as a person! (Closed Minded that maybe but thats upto me).


Am I open to the possibility that you are absolutely right about ghosts. No not really as I have felt, seen and experienced some strange going on over the years.


Heres a question for you. Do you work?

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My state of mind is just great thanks. Yep I found your comment **** funny & as I have read through most of your comments on other theads, its shows your mentality and therefore I've already taken a dislike to you as a person! (Closed Minded that maybe but thats upto me).
Oh, it was personal, great. Closed minded and judgmental, you seem like a regular renaissance man.:rolleyes:


Am I open to the possibility that you are absolutely right about ghosts. No not really as I have felt, seen and experienced some strange going on over the years.
Well then you are a massive hypocrite, and yes you are closed minded. I am not, show me proof of ghosts and I will believe instantly. Seeing as your mind is completely closed and there is nothing I can say or do to change your mind I will leave you to it.


Heres a question for you. Do you work?
Yes, but I don't see how that's any of your business.


If you are about to attempt an ad hominem argument you will have to find another line of attack.:rolleyes:


If I was unemployed would that mean you automatically win the argument or something?


Discuss the post, not the poster bro.


I guess my main question is, why criticise me for what you perceive as closed mindedness when you yourself admit to being completely closed to the possibility that you are wrong about ghosts?

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