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Non public sector workers

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Too right. As Eric Pickles (communities secretary) pointed out, local councils are terrible for creating 'non-jobs' - posts that there is no real need for. He singled out a few, I forget the truly juicy ones, but one example he cited was "cheerleading development officer".


Lovely, great use of cash :)


How do I apply?:hihi:

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I have a cousin that works at moorfoot. How he finds his arse with both hands is beyond me, let alone how he managed to find his way into work and actually do anything.


Mind you he always makes sure he takes his sickness entitlement...


The only people working in there are cleaners and security guards since it is now vacant because of job losses.

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you clearly have no clue about what you are talking about.


Facts only get in the way of a good rant and the satisfaction received from kicking fellow workers.


Whenever there is a problem it is always best to scapegoat an innocent party, after all you wouldn't want to upset the bankers that caused this mess. Their attack dogs might pick on you, so long as another set of workers is being kicked best to put the boot in as well enjoy the satisfaction of not being the one scapegoated.



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Facts only get in the way of a good rant and the satisfaction received from kicking fellow workers.


Whenever there is a problem it is always best to scapegoat an innocent party, after all you wouldn't want to upset the bankers that caused this mess. Their attack dogs might pick on you, so long as another set of workers is being kicked best to put the boot in as well enjoy the satisfaction of not being the one scapegoated.




It has been a longstanding Conservative mechanism to police overall pay by regulating public sector pay. It is exactly what Thatcher did in office.


This government is also effectively looking to increase the pool of those looking for work (more draconian regulation of incapacity benefit, extension of retirement age and pushing single mums onto JSA earlier), effectively increasing competition for fewer jobs - the long term effect is wage depression, especially in low paid private sector jobs. People need to be careful what they wish for!

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Guest sibon
To anyone like myself who happens to work in a non public sector organisation where pay rises are at the employers perogative and a pension is something you sort out and pay into - sometimes said nice employer will contribute.


<Snip The rest of a ludicrous rant>


Guess what. Public sector pensions are contributory too.


If you want to focus on a truly disgraceful gold plated public sector pension, have a look at the MPs scheme.


SO earn your job or lose it ....


Thanks for the advice.

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Guest sibon

I think public sector jobs should be brought more into line pay wise with non public sector.




Actually I like that idea. Can I have ten days extra holiday, class sizes of 18 and a 5% pay rise please.


That would bring me into line with the private schools in Sheffield.

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Actually I like that idea. Can I have ten days extra holiday, class sizes of 18 and a 5% pay rise please.


That would bring me into line with the private schools in Sheffield.


Sounds good to me.


Rounding down (wouldn't want to be greedy) £4kx13 years= £52k.. I would be able to pay off my mortgage. :D



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I do work in the public sector (I have worked in private industry in several jobs so can compare the two). I have never known a time when the workforce has been so demoralised & already pushed to breaking point before the jobcuts.


I do contribute to my pension scheme & have been doing so for over 20 years. I am not sure what I will do now if that scheme is slashed (as proposed) as I have not been making extra provision.


I am not particularly well paid (many civil servants) fall into this category.


To top it all off we (as in the whole public sector) seemed to be being made scapegoats for the current economic crisis. Nothing to do with the greedy bankers at all.


People don't seem to realise that may of these services will be replaced by companies such as Group 4, Capita, A4E etc who treat their employees like dirt but still cost the same to the taxpayer!!

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