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The Elderly and small spaces

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No dear, it's just the females.


Women love to block doorways and gossip with their 'friends' in public places, so everyone can see how popular they are :roll:


I suspect if the same women passed each other in an empty park, they'd completely blank each other :|

My bold


That's only because men are too bone-idle to walk anywhere and insist on using their precious pap-paps for a journey of a few hundred yards.

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No dear, it's just the females.|
I know this is just a troll to try to get all the girlies having a go at you but ... men can stand and gas about nowt for ages n ages when it's just blokes together.


It's when they're being led around 'shopping' by their wives that they stand mute and hangdog, exchanging :rolleyes: with one another, desperate to get on with the task in hand and get off home. When they're alone and encounter an old drinking buddy, friend or neighbour, wind them em up and see them go! :D

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why is it elderly people generally tend to stop for a rest or a breather or just a chat in places that are busy thoroughfares i.e. shop or supermarket doorways or even very narrow pavements in busy streets, its like there on there own planet and other people around them dont exist, they are polite but it takes them 5 minutes to see they are blocking a busy passage way, what are your thoughts on this?
i see the same thibg with ladies with prams ,they gather in the doorway of castlemarket and wilkinsons ,then theres the early morning "waiting for the pub "to open mob doing the very same thing
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Quote by depoix.....but mucked it up.....oops old age!


And why do they always have to walk at least two abreast.....are they afraid to walk on their own?

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i see the same thibg with ladies with prams ,they gather in the doorway of castlemarket and wilkinsons ,then theres the early morning "waiting for the pub "to open mob doing the very same thing


I agree that women pushing buggies three abreast across the pavement pose far more of an inconvenience to others than elderly folk who stop to catch their breath.

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The mother in law does it.


She stops in doorways, at the top or bottom of escalators, when she gets to the kerb after crossing at a pelican crossing which leaves people behind her standing in the road while the traffic tries to run them down. She doesnt stop because she`s tired or out of breath, she does it to have a good old gawp around or a chat to someone, usually a complete stranger.


It drives us and the dad in law mental and only yesterday he was complaining about her, but I mentioned Sheffield where there are THOUSANDS like her, all battling to get under people`s feet like its a national pastime or something.


There arent many in the little town where I live but they DO tend to appear at the worst times. A few years ago I bought a computer and couldnt wait for it to be delivered so I carried it to the taxi rank which is about 200 yards from the shop.


I swear to god there wasnt a single old person when I started carrying the box but as I got more tired and hot and annoyed, they Swarmed out of nowhere to toddle along in front of me at 1mph.

One old dear actually ran across the main road and was almost killed by a car, just to get in front of me so she could have a toddle too!


I reckon there are little rooms full of them, all monitoring radios and on each street corner and in each alleyway is a spy who watches and waits, and as soon as they see someone struggling with something heavy they radio base and the oldies swarm out to get in their way.

Its obligatory, its like the old films where theres a police chase, or someone riding an out of control hospital trolley down a steep hill, theres always a couple of blokes carrying a sheet of glass that gets in the way.

In real life its old people and I cant wait till Im old enough to join them and drive young `uns mad.

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I do wish shops would go back to providing seats here and there for the benefit of the old and tired.

It wouldn't take up much space and would allow one to gather one's thoughts and get a second wind.


That wouldn't work! The seats would be permanently occupied by glazed-eyed men, exhausted by the experience of telling their female partners that they look good in everything they try on! :hihi:

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