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Is it about time the England Vs Germany obsession ended.

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They were a lot better than us in WW2, just not good enough to beat the Soviets and Americans.


Its all a bit sad really, in terms of football we're not their main rival so its a one sided rivalry where we lose most of the time.


Is there a war movie which explains the war rather than being about a few soldiers in the war?


Yea I don't think were close to being they rivals in football won't be suprised if they win the cup.

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Couldn 't England sort of combine with Germany at football ? The Germans could do the actual playing and we could be in charge of Elfin Safety and all the paperwork. We 're experts at THAT !


were only experts at that because nobody else bothers with it as much as we do. if they tried who knows what they could come up with.

(seriously thinking about going to the doctor around 10 days since I've slept for more than 2 hours a night)

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The Germans must think we are hilarious. Once in a blue moon we get to play them at football and our tabloids are full of war references, Gott in Himmel for you Kraut zee World Cup is over, sort of stuff plus various sub intelligent lifeforms emerge to sing anti German song.


They then thrash us and we shut up for another four years.

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The only way we can get revenge on those dastardly Germans is by inventing a new game.


We could call the new game, something like, ' Big Brother-Bingeing-Footy '. It would be a bit like normal football but every 10 minutes all the players would have to down 2 pints of wallop. [ goalies, 3 pints ]. Every 20 minutes a team could vote one of the opposing side off. [ Only pop singers or celebrity chefs could be substitutes ].


This would attract many U.K. supporters of all ages and classes and levels of intelligence----from the totally moronic--- to the merely stupid. Millions, billions [ ? ] of pounds would pour into the national coffers. Our financial woes would be over ! I 'm surprised NULabour didn 't think of it years ago ? They could even have had Elton John and Tony Blair crooning, ' I Do It My Way, On The Way To The Bank, ' in the interval.......or a bit of Rap ?

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BBC News was fanastic this morning. They interviewed the dregs of society in Basildon - string vests, topless men with tattoos, women who wouldn't be out of place on Jeremy Kyle.


They were asking "Who will you be supporting, Germany or Spain?"


The best reply was from a guy: "Spain of course, coz Germany bombed us during the war".

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I visit Germany at least twice a year. I love the people. From petrol stations to hotels every single German has given me a beaming smile and been soooo polite. They are extremely hospitable. I have never understood the 'throw the war in their faces' mentality.

As for the 'German no sense of humour' get a pint or two in them and watch them go..:-)

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BBC News was fanastic this morning. They interviewed the dregs of society in Basildon - string vests, topless men with tattoos, women who wouldn't be out of place on Jeremy Kyle.


They were asking "Who will you be supporting, Germany or Spain?"


The best reply was from a guy: "Spain of course, coz Germany bombed us during the war".


Bah, I've still not got over the whole Armarda thing.

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