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Can anyone help

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This happened to our seat in the caravan.

I have a 3 year old that was scared of the toilet as the seat wouldnt stay up while he went.


At the back was 2 circle fittings and although they dont look as it they will move, they turned around and that half a inch made all the difference.


If you have circle fittings, try undoing the seat and pulling it forward by turning the fitting round.

Hope im making sense.

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You could adopt the Muslim practice of hovering precariously in the sky above the toilet thereby making the seat redundant.


The Council will probably give you points for your embrace of cross cultural practices too.


Sounds like a win win situation to me.


No use standing on the seat.

You'll end up crapping on your feet.

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i new i such have not asked with all the silly answers


I was serious, we had the same problem. It's these modern toilets, not enough room between the cistern and the seat. We lasted about a week before we bought a new one!!

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Why dont you just phone them and tell them they have not fitted it right and can they come back asap and sort it out?



dont be silly! thats far too easy!:hihi:


you have to ask on an internet forum first EVERYBODY knows that! :rolleyes:

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