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Evidence for Man Made Climate Change

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Growing discrepancy between HadCrut and GISTEMP.


Still as long as it produces the "right" figures for Al Gore and his Gorebots, it's all doubleplusgood.


Except the article talks about a growing convergence of temperatures?


Traditionally the US GISS data set has displayed a warmer and greater increase in temperatures than the UK's HADCRUT.


Recent studies have shown why HADCRUT has given lower results.... because it has less global sampling than GISS.


Here for example is the Met Office explanation of the problem displayed by the graphic from the recent European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts research on the topic:




HADCRUT temperatures are being revised upwards for a very good reason, the best information we have a vailable suggests they should be.... and that amounts to a convergence, not a divergence.


Your article is using information that says the exact opposite of what it is claimed in its title.


But then that isn't the only thing up with Watt's

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That’s the way to go just discredit those that don’t sing the tune you want to hear.


You or rather wiki have found 4 scientists with wacky views on climate change... So what? I am sure there are more around. And I am sure you could list a similar number of scientists that claim smoking is not that bad for you too... Science is not without its bizarre theories.


If you want to dismiss the scientific conclusions that the vast bulk of researchers in to climate change accept is true, then 4 scientists is pretty weak.... especially once you have looked in to who they are.

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Anybody who thinks climate change isn't happening just needs to look out of the window. Here we are in yet another July that has been cloudy, rainy and above all quite chilly in parts. Does anybody remember when July used to be the hottest month of the year in the UK?


That the climate is changing is not in any doubt. The question of what is causing it will run forever and ever because nobody will ever be able to prove it either way. But to the people who believe that human activity is not contributing to the changes in our planet's eco system, I have just one question....


Even if AGW is a myth, do you really believe that cutting down rainforests at an alarming rate, while pumping millions of tonnes of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, is in any way a good thing for the long term habitability of this planet?


I believe firmly in the precautionary principle: until we can prove either way then we should cut our carbon emissions to the absolute minimum. Better safe than sorry, and it can only benefit the entire human race in the long run if we make the world a more livable place while at the same time ending our relentless rape of the Earth's (finite) resources.

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