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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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You really do think that he alone is personally responsible, don't you!


Poppy has a large hole between her ears...you really are blowing it out yer backside trying to get through.

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jesus the title of this thred has finally matched a post!


i said the problem was on your own doorstep the blame was on your doorstep.


the rig was owned by and worked on by americans not us brits regaurdless of who was renting it,


tony haward may be the Chief Executive of bp but that is a multinational company and a not a country, you tell me why the likes of british joe public are in any way shape or form at fault because from what i can see there not!


Yep! you're right, Americans are to blame, ....end.

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Yep! you're right, Americans are to blame, ....end.



No...the Americans are not to blame...like the British are not to blame...the oil company is to blame...is it getting through yet..or do you just want to continue as an excuse to continue your pettiness?

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It's obvious that the OP had every intention of starting this thread with the purpose of Yank baiting.


The title of the thread says it alone.


He pulls up Jay Leno on U-Tube asking someone a general knowlededge question and when the dumb cluck didnt know the answer he titled the thread with the suggestion that 300 million are as dumb as that individual was.


To me it was insulting and ignorant. But go ahead keep it up. I'll respond in kind every time.


There are people on this forum who are fair and intelligent and there are people who are just plain ignorant both in their remarks and their general knowledge.


Would I be fair and accurate in starting a thread titled


"How dumb are the Sheffield Forum members"


If Americans are as dumb as some like to suggest and given the fact that the country is still the most powerful country in the world what does that make the British or any other people?. Even dumber by comparison?

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"How dumb are the Sheffield Forum members"


About as dumb as the rest of the UK or even the USA for that matter.


If Americans are as dumb as some like to suggest and given the fact that the country is still the most powerful country in the world what does that make the British or any other people?. Even dumber by comparison?


Why are you so proud about living in what you perceive the most powerful country? What makes you think that people would want to live in a country just because it's powerful. Why do you equate power with brains?


Why are you letting yourself get dragged down to the lowest common denominator?

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About as dumb as the rest of the UK or even the USA for that matter.




Why are you so proud about living in what you perceive the most powerful country? What makes you think that people would want to live in a country just because it's powerful. Why do you equate power with brains?


Why are you letting yourself get dragged down to the lowest common denominator?


I'm asking a simple question. How did Anerica achieve the world status it did if Americans are regarded as being of lesser intelligence than the rest of mankind?


Let me make it simpler.


Would a Yale college professor have achieved his position if he were a high school drop out?


Would an Olympic athlete have achieved his/her position if he/she was a couch potato?


A simple answer is all that's required here. Nothing more. Nothing less

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I'm asking a simple question. How did Anerica achieve the world status it did if Americans are regarded as being of lesser intelligence than the rest of mankind?


Let me make it simpler.


Would a Yale college professor have achieved his position if he were a high school drop out?


Would an Olympic athlete have achieved his/her position if he/she was a couch potato?


A simple answer is all that's required here. Nothing more. Nothing less


When you say America, you could also ask the same question of Europe, or even the West. Hell, you could ask why or how did Sheffield manage to lead the industrial revolution with it's metallurgy?


The answer is a simple answer - geography and hard work.

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When you say America, you could also ask the same question of Europe, or even the West. Hell, you could ask why or how did Sheffield manage to lead the industrial revolution with it's metallurgy?


The answer is a simple answer - geography and hard work.


Plus "savvy" and "know how" Can these two factors be associated with a degree of "intelligence" or can "dumb people" also enjoy these attributes


See my point?

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BPs not much of a joke over here...I take that back, they are a joke, trying to squirm out of their responsibilities


The same BP that is 40% owned by US residents?


The same BP who used American contractors?


The same BP that is "British" in name only?

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