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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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It's obvious that the OP had every intention of starting this thread with the purpose of Yank baiting.


The title of the thread says it alone.


He pulls up Jay Leno on U-Tube asking someone a general knowlededge question and when the dumb cluck didnt know the answer he titled the thread with the suggestion that 300 million are as dumb as that individual was.


To me it was insulting and ignorant. But go ahead keep it up. I'll respond in kind every time.


There are people on this forum who are fair and intelligent and there are people who are just plain ignorant both in their remarks and their general knowledge.


Would I be fair and accurate in starting a thread titled


"How dumb are the Sheffield Forum members"


If Americans are as dumb as some like to suggest and given the fact that the country is still the most powerful country in the world what does that make the British or any other people?. Even dumber by comparison?


If this was about asians, pakistani's, ect...then 95% would be on your side.


Typical of some of the people on this forum:mad:


I hope the american readers are not put off by SOME OF the ignorant posters.

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This I find so very sad....babies programmed into reciting something they're not even able to understand. I think they do this in Libya, Somalia, and all other nations that need control, it's akin to religion. It has one objective and that's to die without question from overlords. You shouldn't have to justify your children because of a country, a flag or a thing. The fact they exist is sufficient. I have to say like you...I have the most beautiful 2 daughters imaginable and I have never quantified them by a thing. I would hope they grow to be free thinking and subject to their own thoughts and morals...not someone else's.


The world is a beautiful place and we ram crap down our children's throats before they can walk...not surprising they grow to resemble their teachers. Hateful, suspicious, envious and morally bankrupt.


It is even more ironic when the pledge is a betrayal of the dissident values the country was created on.

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If this was about asians, pakistani's, ect...then 95% would be on your side.


Typical of some of the people on this forum:mad:


I hope the american readers are not put off by SOME OF the ignorant posters.


We seem to have a Brit that can speak the truth here :)

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We seem to have a Brit that can speak the truth here :)


But we have to have a few ignorant people. How else would we be able to get some pleasure out of trying to educate them a little on American history and what Americans really are like :)

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But we have to have a few ignorant people. How else would we be able to get some pleasure out of trying to educate them a little on American history and what Americans really are like :)


When you are teaching your 2 year old to recite the pledge of allegiance will you be telling her that the person that wrote the declaration of independence would have refused to say it?

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When you are teaching your 2 year old to recite the pledge of allegiance will you be telling her that the person that wrote the declaration of independence would have refused to say it?


To be honest its a matter of minor importance to me if that person had refused to say it. If the person wasn't shot or hanged for treason for refusing to say the pledge of allegience then it only shows that democracy and freedom of speech and ideas were off to a great start.


I like the idea of reciting the pledge and flying the flag no matter what others may think. It gives a sense of national identity and I instilled that it into my kids. My wife is far more lefty than I am. She's a democrat and was an anti Vietnam war protestor in her college years. That made no difference in the way we brought up our kids. She loves her country just the same. It's not a matter of what all our political opinions are It's a matter of believing in the country in our own different ways.


If you were able to talk to any American soldier down through history you might find that he or she might have been an ardent Republican, an ardent Democrat or just a plain old Bolshie but they fought for their country and loved it for what is was faults and all


That goes exactly the same for British people too


Chris! I'm beginning to sound like John Wayne :hihi:

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