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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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I'll just say this before its too late. There's a bar in Birzebugia, Malta very close to a Naval Air station at Halfar which is now closed. Mostly British, it had 2 US Navy squadrons who used to join us tgere for a few beers. Sometimes it would be a variant of a SF yankee/ Brit battle. On this one occasion we got into a humdinger, causing the owner to call the cops. They arrived en masse in jeeps only to find Americans and Brits combining to fight them.Served them right, it was none of their business

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We British and Irish ex pats do have something of an advantage over undereducated Americans.We are better schooled, and are able to land the better jobs as a result. As for the Jesus thing, many Americans come from a strong Catholic background, while the Baptists are powerful down south. There aren''t a lot of meeting places except for bars, and that's not a place to take your family, so many gravitate to the churches. Its something of a status symbol. Yes, most Americans don't give a monkey's about Britain.When you pulled out of Iraq nobody I know even commented on it, though they had been grateful for your contribution.


This seems to suggest that your success in the USA is directly linked to the fact that Americans are not as able and supports the OP. Do you believe you would have been less successful if you had remained in Britain against more intelligent competition?

The Jesus argument is somewhat more serious than simply the transporting of a religion across the Atlantic. American lifestyles and more importantly foreign policy are dictated still by religion. This is not the mark of an intelligent society as can be seen in the Middle East. The religious control along with nationalism are very similar. BTW before the hand on the heart routine became popular for the national anthem, it was usual for Americans to give a stiff arm salute. This went out of favor in the forties obviously.

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This seems to suggest that your success in the USA is directly linked to the fact that Americans are not as able and supports the OP. Do you believe you would have been less successful if you had remained in Britain against more intelligent competition?

The Jesus argument is somewhat more serious than simply the transporting of a religion across the Atlantic. American lifestyles and more importantly foreign policy are dictated still by religion. This is not the mark of an intelligent society as can be seen in the Middle East. The religious control along with nationalism are very similar. BTW before the hand on the heart routine became popular for the national anthem, it was usual for Americans to give a stiff arm salute. This went out of favor in the forties obviously.


It does look a bit nationalist.... doesn't it.


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If this was about asians, pakistani's, ect...then 95% would be on your side.


Typical of some of the people on this forum:mad:


I hope the american readers are not put off by SOME OF the ignorant posters.

I hav to admit there were times when I still lived in England when I would question some of America's foreign policy. I still do but now I have a small chance to change things with my vote, I used to be irritated by them saying Paris, France, or Brussels, Belgium like they were giving me a geography lesson i didn't need. But when I found out there were lots of Brussels, or Londons in America, it became reasonable to tell which one they were talking about. You have to know a place some before you have a right to badmouth it. Many of you take your holidays in America thinking that 2 or 3 weeks makes you an expert. It doesn't unless you're able to stay with friends or relations in their homes. We Ex Pats have known life in both countries and have made our decisions long ago. Most of us prefer our lives in our adopted places, and have no beef with where we left. So in the words of a poor guy harassed by the LAPD "Why can't we all just get along"
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This seems to suggest that your success in the USA is directly linked to the fact that Americans are not as able and supports the OP. Do you believe you would have been less successful if you had remained in Britain against more intelligent competition?

The Jesus argument is somewhat more serious than simply the transporting of a religion across the Atlantic. American lifestyles and more importantly foreign policy are dictated still by religion. This is not the mark of an intelligent society as can be seen in the Middle East. The religious control along with nationalism are very similar. BTW before the hand on the heart routine became popular for the national anthem, it was usual for Americans to give a stiff arm salute. This went out of favor in the forties obviously.

I felt I reached the limit of my possibilities in the UK, though not my capabilities. Going to Canada in 1968 opened up whole new aspects of electronics available in Montreal more than in Sheffield. I advanced quickly and had a long and satisfying career. Remember the steel industry was on the verge of leaving Sheffield at that time as well as most of the UK, and also America. The US and Canadian paper industries were doing great,so after a couple of years on satellite technology I moved over to Paper mill automation Control. It was never a case being less successful against competition in the UK. I was considered as good as the best, and better than most. As for my lifestyle, it is not dictated by religion, nor is it important to any of my friends. You have your zealots as well as us, but obviously from this forum not as many. I never had a problem with patriotism. American patriotism comes from families whose grandparents escaped the worst aspects of Europe to forge a new life here. Europe has always had a problem with this upstart that grew so powerful. You need to try to get over it.
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I'm not sure I have anything to get over Buck. But as the thread was intended to be light hearted I wont respond further . No doubt we shall have the answer in 2012 if Sarah Palin is elected president. I think that will be pretty conclusive evidence on the state of the nations intelligence right?

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I'm not sure I have anything to get over Buck. But as the thread was intended to be light hearted I wont respond further . No doubt we shall have the answer in 2012 if Sarah Palin is elected president. I think that will be pretty conclusive evidence on the state of the nations intelligence right?
You just hit on my recurring nightmare! I fail to understand how this woman could even be considered vice president, let alone president. If we insist on electing a woman, and why not, there are better choices. Dare I suggest Hillary Clinton to my fellow citizens without being torn apart on SF by them.:)
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I would have voted for John McCain in the last election. He is a person I admire and a middle of the road type of Republican. The only reason I didnt was because of Sarah Palin who makes me very uneasy.


I dont think she and the Tea Party will last all that long and pose no threat in 2012. They do not have the ability to appeal to a wide spectrum of American voters.


I'm still out on Obama. I would rate his performance so far as no better than "fair"


His health plan is going to remove too much money from Medicare subsidised payments to the Health Maintenance Organisations and does nothing to provide in home long term health care for seniors. Many seniors with some occasional home nursing would never need to have to move into convalescent homes where they eventually lose their life savings and homes paying for care at these places.


His stimulus package still shows no sign of improving the economic situation.

Despite receiving massive amounts of money the banks and lending institutions are still not giving loans to small businesses which is essential if new jobs are to be created.


The housing market remains in the doldrums for the same reason


He inherited Iraq and Afganistan so there's not much to criticise him on that but he needs to get tough with Netanyahu, order him to stop building on Palestinian land and get together with Abbas without further delay to start working on a peace agreement


I dont agree with his immigration policies. His intention is to grant yet another amnesty to illegals as did Reagan back in the late 1980s. It didnt work back then and it wont work now. He may have a right under Constitutional law to sue the state of Ariazona over it's tough new laws aimed at illegals but I'm hoping that Jan Brewer will in turn sue for recovery of the millions the state spent on caring and schooling for illegals in that state over the past several decades


The cost to Los Angeles County alone in health care and schooling for the children of illegals was estimated recently to be around almost two billion dollars last year. That's bigger than the national debt of some small countries


It will be interesting to see who runs against him in 2012. If by some very long shot chance Palin gets the Republican nomination it might be an act of suicide for the GOP

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