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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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I would have voted for John McCain in the last election. He is a person I admire and a middle of the road type of Republican. The only reason I didnt was because of Sarah Palin who makes me very uneasy.


I dont think she and the Tea Party will last all that long and pose no threat in 2012. They do not have the ability to appeal to a wide spectrum of American voters.


I'm still out on Obama. I would rate his performance so far as no better than "fair"


His health plan is going to remove too much money from Medicare subsidised payments to the Health Maintenance Organisations and does nothing to provide in home long term health care for seniors. Many seniors with some occasional home nursing would never need to have to move into convalescent homes where they eventually lose their life savings and homes paying for care at these places.


His stimulus package still shows no sign of improving the economic situation.

Despite receiving massive amounts of money the banks and lending institutions are still not giving loans to small businesses which is essential if new jobs are to be created.


The housing market remains in the doldrums for the same reason


He inherited Iraq and Afganistan so there's not much to criticise him on that but he needs to get tough with Netanyahu, order him to stop building on Palestinian land and get together with Abbas without further delay to start working on a peace agreement


I dont agree with his immigration policies. His intention is to grant yet another amnesty to illegals as did Reagan back in the late 1980s. It didnt work back then and it wont work now. He may have a right under Constitutional law to sue the state of Ariazona over it's tough new laws aimed at illegals but I'm hoping that Jan Brewer will in turn sue for recovery of the millions the state spent on caring and schooling for illegals in that state over the past several decades


The cost to Los Angeles County alone in health care and schooling for the children of illegals was estimated recently to be around almost two billion dollars last year. That's bigger than the national debt of some small countries


It will be interesting to see who runs against him in 2012. If by some very long shot chance Palin gets the Republican nomination it might be an act of suicide for the GOP

I'm finding it hard to understand why the GOP is paying lip service to the Teaparty freaks and Sarah Palin. Why John McCain invited her, I'll never know. I had a strong inclination to vote for him but it turned me off. I would have voted for Colin Powell in an NY minute, but his missus had other ideas.
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I'm finding it hard to understand why the GOP is paying lip service to the Teaparty freaks and Sarah Palin. Why John McCain invited her, I'll never know. I had a strong inclination to vote for him but it turned me off. I would have voted for Colin Powell in an NY minute, but his missus had other ideas.


I too would have voted for Colin Powell.


I think the GOP is worried about a split in the party which they dont need as future elections could well be pretty close in votes like the previous two so it's probably more expedient for the GOP to pay lip service to the Tea Party, not ruffle any feathers and hope that she will just go away eventually.


It's possible that John McCain picked her for running mate hoping to draw female voters who were backing Hilary Clinton and who were more than just a little upset when Obama got the nomination


Condaleeza Rice would have been a better choice but he may have asked her and she turned him down. She was too close to George Bush anyway

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Condaleeza Rice would have been a better choice but he may have asked her and she turned him down. She was too close to George Bush anyway


I always thought that Condeleeza would have been the smart choice for the Republicans, it would have blunted the Democrats continual "historic" campaign. I was amazed that she wasn't even mentioned, but that's probably got more to do with my innocence with American politics.

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I always thought that Condeleeza would have been the smart choice for the Republicans, it would have blunted the Democrats continual "historic" campaign. I was amazed that she wasn't even mentioned, but that's probably got more to do with my innocence with American politics.


McCain may have asked her and she said no or the Republicans may have thought that she was too much associated with George Bush with whom many voters had become very disiilusioned by the end of his term.


She is a very clever well educated self made woman though and would have made an impressive candidate just counting her experience alone

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McCain may have asked her and she said no or the Republicans may have thought that she was too much associated with George Bush with whom many voters had become very disiilusioned by the end of his term.


She is a very clever well educated self made woman though and would have made an impressive candidate just counting her experience alone


Sorry, I meant that she would have been a smart choice for Presidential candidate.

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Sorry, I meant that she would have been a smart choice for Presidential candidate.
I think Harleyman's point is valid. The election was punishment to the GOP for putting Dubya in the white house. Any candidate associated with him had a hard road ahead. McCain, never popular with the Bushes, wasn't tarred with the same brush. Choosing Palin was his biggest mistake. Condoleeza was and is one tough cookie, very like Hillary in some ways, but from the other party.
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The cost to Los Angeles County alone in health care and schooling for the children of illegals was estimated recently to be around almost two billion dollars last year. That's bigger than the national debt of some small countries



But look on the bright side. You got all those top-class athletes.


All the best runners, jumpers and swimmers Mexico had to offer.:hihi:

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Fantastic video! Thanks for posting this!!


But they never showed the ones who did know anything. A TV show done in Britain showing the same thing selectively could create the same effect. Humorous? Yes, but true? No. Who are the real idiots? Those who take TV or Youtube as the gospel.:hihi:

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Yes she would have been a very good choice. Perhaps though like Colin Powell she just didnt want the job and had other plans.


Connie said she was,t interested and went back to school in CA !

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