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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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But I understand. It's not been a good year for y'all back in Steeltown. It rains a lot, England got soundly beaten by those dreadful Jerries (You know the ones we beat in WW2) and now they licked us at our own game ...


We get on OK with the Germans now.


With friends like Americans, who needs enemies?

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But they never showed the ones who did know anything. A TV show done in Britain showing the same thing selectively could create the same effect. Humorous? Yes, but true? No. Who are the real idiots? Those who take TV or Youtube as the gospel.:hihi:


Whilst I would agree that the folk that you mention are idiots, I'd still say the real idiots are the people who had no idea whatsoever what independence day was about.

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Whilst I would agree that the folk that you mention are idiots, I'd still say the real idiots are the people who had no idea whatsoever what independence day was about.
Yes they are, but out of 300 million, how many do they represent. How do you know they weren't plants? Ask the Manor estate young who the Chancellor of the Exchecquer is. Many so called live TV shows are only presented after dozens of retakes. We think we know Jay Leno a little better than you. He will do anything for a laugh. The fact that Top Gear is his favorite show tells me he'll laugh at any old crap.
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Had it not been for those Americans, you would be German by now, Sieg Heil DumbKopf.:hihi:

Explain that to these folk.





Their graves are in Klagenfurt CWGC, Austria.




Many of them had been captured in Crete or Greece three and a half years earlier (about six months before your lot got dragged into it) , and suffered horrendously to get that far, before meeting their fate.


The roll call of dead listed does not include those that died of wounds later.


This is Christmas card the survivors made depicting the scene.



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Explain that to these folk.





Their graves are in Klagenfurt CWGC, Austria.




Many of them had been captured in Crete or Greece three and a half years earlier (about six months before your lot got dragged into it) , and suffered horrendously to get that far, before meeting their fate.


The roll call of dead listed does not include those that died of wounds later.


This is Christmas card the survivors made depicting the scene.






Apart from the first link I dont see any relevence in the second and third threads.


The POWs were killed by what's called "friendly fire" I never flew in a WW2 airplane and neither did you so it's no good saying thay should have done this or known that. It was obviously a mistake get over it.


Friendly fire happens all the time in wars. General Montgomery just after D-Day decided that it was necessary to bomb the Normandy city of Caen to get the Germans out of it. The Royal Air Force literally flattened the whole city killing a few hundred French civilians as well as Germans.


Sh*t happens in war so it's best not to start pointing fingers

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I despair.....I really do.


Maybe you lot will get lucky and some country with powerful, long range nuclear missiles will take out the USA completely. Then you can all jump for joy and giggle with glee that those nasty Americans aren't around anymore.


Good luck to you all.

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Whilst I would agree that the folk that you mention are idiots, I'd still say the real idiots are the people who had no idea whatsoever what independence day was about.


It's quite possibel that Jay Leno set this whole thing up. Being a late night talk show host he has to think up ways to get laughs.


I wouldnt waste a minute staying up to watch his show. He's a poor substitute for Johnny Carson and always was.

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I've spent quite a lot of time in the USA over the last couple of years & I'll tell you something, Americal people are the nicest people that you could ever wish to meet!

The idea that they are all dumb is just ridiculous!

They are enthusiastic, lively & ambitious, not like the majority of the miserable so and so's that this country produces!


You will never hear an American say "Only in England!"

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