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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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After WW1 the majority of Americans wanted no more to do with wars in Europe. It was regarded as a disaster fought on the whims of kings, kaisers and czars.


The Japs caught everyone off guard however and talks about reaching some kind of understanding were still going on when the Japs suddenly bombed Pearl Harbor without any warning

They caught YOU Americans off guard.

Our intellegience srvices had been decoding their messages for months, which America refused to believe.

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Oh boy here we go again. If you want to discuss with me please do me the courtesy of displaying a little knowledge about the subject you are discussing.


Your knowledge of the subject is so great is it?


That is exactly the arrogant attitute which we despise in you, that generates these threads.


Case answered.

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We'll never know.


But to claim that the US almost single handedly "saved Europe from the Nazis" is disingenuous (to say the least).




I thought the thread was genuinely "a bit of fun" (I'm sure I've posted something about stupidity having no borders).


Stop looking for offence at every opportunity:thumbsup:.




Why are you here then:confused::hihi:.



First off show me where I said "the US single handedly saved Europe from the Nazis" ??????


I'm not taking offence. I'm a mellow fellow. I just find some of the inaccurate statements made by certain individuals as ludicrous

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They caught YOU Americans off guard.

Our intellegience srvices had been decoding their messages for months, which America refused to believe.


So how come the British defence forces in the far east were caught completely off guard by the Japanese invasion of Indo-China, Thailand, Malaya, Singapore and Hong Kong


Churchill described it as the most humiliating epsiode in British military history

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Unlike the European theatre, WW2 in the far east war is not an aspect in which I have a personal interest. Certainly the direction of attack on Singapore resulted in a disaster, but that does not get away from my original point that decoded signals were ignored in the lead up to Pearl Harbour.


.... and I wasn't working at Bletchley Park at the time!

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Ruby doesnt even know that the Patriots are a football team. :hihi:


American football has to be the stupidest game ever. It is a game designed to accommodate advertising breaks. The goals all come from set pieces so there are only a handful of variations in what they look like.


Teams have 70 players only 11 of whom play at any time (wouldn't want to tire them out). Some only come on to kick the ball, whilst they have a few fit runners the rest are fat behemoths.




They manage about 10 seconds of play before they have to have a break and give each other sponge baths and pedicures.


What other country would idolise a 200lb man in tight lycra and another 100lbs of padding as heroes?


Americans are so unoriginal they couldn't even think of an original name for the "sport"!

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Unlike the European theatre, WW2 in the far east war is not an aspect in which I have a personal interest. Certainly the direction of attack on Singapore resulted in a disaster, but that does not get away from my original point that decoded signals were ignored in the lead up to Pearl Harbour.


Well whether they were or not still didn't make a difference in the fact that the US was not prepared in any way to join in the conflict in Europe


Fortunatley for the US navy their carriers were out at sea when the attack happened


After Pearl Harbor the US navy was able to decode Japanese messages regarding a planned landing on Midway Island.


That's when the Japanese navy lost four of it's prime aircraft carriers during the ensuing battle and from then on the Japanese navy was a purely defensive force

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PLEASE don't forget that before we "joined" the war, we had been supplying the brits and the ruskies for years with food fuel and arms, via the north atlantic, losing thousands of lives.


We only joined the war because the attack on pearl harbor was an declaration of war upon the usa by japan And the Germans declared war on the USA shortly thereafter. So really we had no choice at that time and we were still greatly unprepared, but once we got going --- watch out! Remember we were still in the grip of the worst ever economic depression. Millions were still out of work, factories were idle.

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