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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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i may just be being a little dim at the mo (its 4.40am and been up all night with a poorly child so if i am i appologise) but i thought american football as wildcat refered to and soccer that uve just commented on was 2 different sports, soccer being what brits call football and american football being more like what brits call rugby.:confused:
You are being a little dim, yes, but we'll let you off seeing as you got a poorly kid. Hope he's better this morning. They are two different sports, you're right.


Old buck is saying he likes what we call football and because he does, he won't slag it off like he usually does anything English. I think it's very good of him in the circumstances :hihi:

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So why write all this about a game you don't like even though some of what you say is true. What does it matter to you if Americans enjoy it in their own country? A lot of Brits seem to enjoy it too, as it happens. Nothing is going to change because of your opinion. So why waste your time and mine. I happen to like soccer so won't disparage it. AS for cricket, I'll keep my opinions to myself, except for the cure for insomnia its always given me.


You will find the answer in here:


I don't know if they are constantly trying to wind us up... they just over-react so easily it is impossible to resist the temptation not to wind them up from time to time.






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So why write all this about a game you don't like even though some of what you say is true. What does it matter to you if Americans enjoy it in their own country? A lot of Brits seem to enjoy it too, as it happens. Nothing is going to change because of your opinion. So why waste your time and mine. I happen to like soccer so won't disparage it. AS for cricket, I'll keep my opinions to myself, except for the cure for insomnia its always given me.



Buck...you really have to calm down, you're biting on everything. Your leg is being tugged and you respond like a kid who's just dropped it's lolly....and you even go further and ad a little more.."as for cricket, I'll keep my opinions to myself" well you didn't. :D Believe me when I say you are being wound up...big style!


Oh...and will you ex pats stop with the Americanisms..."Ma", "Pa", "enough with the quotes already"...it's embarrassing. Even the real Americans on here don't use them. Speaking them is one thing but actually typing them is another. Be hopes the yanks over here don't start typing phrases like " Ok Ginger...chocks away". You don't have to prove you're naturalised...honest. But don't try to prove you're as American as the people around you because I'm sorry to burst your bubble..


Remove the crap and you'll find that Brits and Americans are exactly the same, in the same way sheffielders look up and down their noses at one another as do those who look up and down at each other in upper and lower Manhattan.

I have two homes, both on either side of the pond and wouldn't abandon one for the other because times were tough in my native country. I made the move because of the similarities, but mostly space.


So...be a man, take it on the chin and come back with leg pulling...don't take it so personally and don't sound soooooooo bitter!


Oh...Americans are dumb...real dumb. Just as real dumb as our home grown. (that applies to every country on the planet) The only prob I have with the thread is the missing word "some" instead of "the" in the title ". If you have the ability to look at it a little deeper the clips were probably shown because of our similarities...but we just wont admit that because that's like spitting on our own. Anyway..I found them amusing as did I find the Brit ones I introduced...dumb'idity has no borders as proven by this thread.

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PLEASE don't forget that before we "joined" the war, we had been supplying the brits and the ruskies for years with food fuel and arms, via the north atlantic, losing thousands of lives.


Surely that should be SELLING.


So why write all this about a game you don't like even though some of what you say is true.


It was funny though:D.


dumb'idity has no borders as proven by this thread.


A point I have frequently tried to get across, yet seem to have failed miserably in doing.

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I for one actually lived through WW2 and had my home bombed over me while I was in it. I later served in Korea. There were 2 attitudes toward Americans at the time, gratitude at their presence in your war, and resentment from Englishmen that your girls seemed to like them too much. Mnay of them were called sluts by your mardy bums. A lot of those"sluts " became incredible wives and mothers of American children . I know and enjoy their company to this day. Allow old age to have a little knowledge from experiences you never had.


I have said in a previous post that there were good and bad, and heroes at the time. That is not disputed.

(and indeed one of my uncles idolised the American troops stationed nearby)

........ But please allow the facts from information released since, to add to the view of what Hollywood would have prefered the truth to have been since.

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So why did the Admiralty send Prince of Wales and Repulse into action without air cover. Many relatives of sailors lost probably asked questions. America needs no lessons in unpreparedness from the likes of Neville Chamberlain.

As I have stated I didn't work at Bletchley Park, but it has since been documented and presented that info they decoded was not believed when presented to the Americans prior to the attack on Pearl Harbour, but thought to be a trap to get them involved.


It was one of your fellow citizens who brought up the topic of your un -prepared-ness, not me.

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Oh boy here we go again. If you want to discuss with me please do me the courtesy of displaying a little knowledge about the subject you are discussing.


I hate arrogance / arrogant people , be they fellow Sheffielders , Cockneys, Scousers, Aussies or South Africans, and even worse middle to upper class British.


Whereas 25 or 30 years ago the whole world hated South Africans, now that dislike seems to have been turned onto you as a nation, however unjustifyable.


99.5 % of South Africans were no doubt really nice people (despite Spitting Image’s view), as no doubt were/are 99.5 % of your people both during WW2 and now.


But the arrogant way you come across wins you no friends.


It is true some of my recent comments to Buck and you may have been influenced by the relatively recent visit to Klagenfurt.

(As an aside, a lot more lies beneath the surface there, that is not yet in the public domain, and that is unlikely to be anything to do directly with Americans. A significant number of graves are for members of the army of occupation and intelligence personnel, deaths up to November 1947, i.e. two and a half years AFTER the end of WW2) There are too many to have ALL BEEN ACCIDENTS. If and when the truth comes out it will be very interesting.)

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Well whether they were or not still didn't make a difference in the fact that the US was not prepared in any way to join in the conflict in Europe


Fair comment.

I think our fellow commonwealth soldiers (esp Aussies and Kiwi) suffered more as a result of the Greek catastrophy, more than the British themselves.

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You are being a little dim, yes, but we'll let you off seeing as you got a poorly kid. Hope he's better this morning. They are two different sports, you're right.


Old buck is saying he likes what we call football and because he does, he won't slag it off like he usually does anything English. I think it's very good of him in the circumstances :hihi:

Even God's English can, perish the thought, be wrong now and again. You neve slag your European partners, except maybe France now and then, but the insulting of America is constant and mailcious. If people bring up stuff they've dug up about us, I will find an equivalent in UK. I don't hate England, never have, but you're poor losers today. Its not the Sheffield I was glad to come home from sea years ago.
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