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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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So what languages do you speak when slagging off your fellow Europeans ? Do you in fact speak any foreigh language yourself ?

Enough to enter dialogue and discussion, but not as much of a command as in the past.


Slagging off is not in my nature, or a term I use. Winding up more appropriate.

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I'm sorry if you consider one or two recent replies of mine was OTT , and if I may have touched on a personal note relating to bombings you experienced I apolgise, but if you come on a messageboard to gloat within ten minutes of your country getting one over us on the sporting field, then I'm afraid you are going to get some flak.


Whether you identified and recognised the comments as "tongue in cheek" or not, is a different matter and I suspect the latter.

I know tongue in cheek well enough, and I'm often guilty of it myself. I have to admit I'm sometimes a bit more prickly than I ought to be, and for that I also apologize. When I first came on SF a few years after 9/11, I was appalled at the virulent anti Americanism going on. It was, of course, the time that Tony Blair seemed to be the lapdog of George Bush, getting British soldiers into Iraq. The British Army had fought alongside the Americans at Desert Storm and been highly praised by Norman Schwarzkopf. One post had stated that " Those who died on 9/11 had it coming". That was probably the worst one but there were many others, particularly about WW2 and the fact that America wanted payment for war materials. My point was that American taxpayers, just recovering from the depression, were who were paying for it. Nobody gets anything for nothing. Anyway enough said. Keep the malice out and so will I.
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I know tongue in cheek well enough, and I'm often guilty of it myself. I have to admit I'm sometimes a bit more prickly than I ought to be, and for that I also apologize. When I first came on SF a few years after 9/11, I was appalled at the virulent anti Americanism going on. It was, of course, the time that Tony Blair seemed to be the lapdog of George Bush, getting British soldiers into Iraq. The British Army had fought alongside the Americans at Desert Storm and been highly praised by Norman Schwarzkopf. One post had stated that " Those who died on 9/11 had it coming". That was probably the worst one but there were many others, particularly about WW2 and the fact that America wanted payment for war materials. My point was that American taxpayers, just recovering from the depression, were who were paying for it. Nobody gets anything for nothing. Anyway enough said. Keep the malice out and so will I.

I'll go along with those sentiments.

Message to Geocol

"Never respond to a post when in a bad mood"

It's so easy to type something into a keyboard, following dealing with an irrirating business associate, and take it out on someone across the water.

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It was an aside.

I and some other people may be interested if to know the reason why 50 or so people had been killed around that time, even if you aren't.


You seem to know more about the subject than I do. I'd just like to know what your own reasosn are for bringing this matter up.


A few hundred Russian Cossacks who had fought for the Germans and who had been taken POW by the Allies were turned over to the Russians at Stalin's request. They were all executed along with their families shortly afterwards by the Russian NKVD


Hundreds of Sudeten Germans were executed by the Czech government after the end of WW2


Hundreds of thousands of German POWs died in Russian Gulags


Untold thousands of German and Austrian women were brutally raped by the Red Army, large numbers dying in the process


A couple of million Russian POWs died after being captured bythe Germans


The matter of 50 odd military occupation personnel dying mysteriously seems like small beans by comparison

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Buck...you really have to calm down, you're biting on everything. Your leg is being tugged and you respond like a kid who's just dropped it's lolly....and you even go further and ad a little more.."as for cricket, I'll keep my opinions to myself" well you didn't. :D Believe me when I say you are being wound up...big style!


Oh...and will you ex pats stop with the Americanisms..."Ma", "Pa", "enough with the quotes already"...it's embarrassing. Even the real Americans on here don't use them. Speaking them is one thing but actually typing them is another. Be hopes the yanks over here don't start typing phrases like " Ok Ginger...chocks away". You don't have to prove you're naturalised...honest. But don't try to prove you're as American as the people around you because I'm sorry to burst your bubble..


Remove the crap and you'll find that Brits and Americans are exactly the same, in the same way sheffielders look up and down their noses at one another as do those who look up and down at each other in upper and lower Manhattan.

I have two homes, both on either side of the pond and wouldn't abandon one for the other because times were tough in my native country. I made the move because of the similarities, but mostly space.


So...be a man, take it on the chin and come back with leg pulling...don't take it so personally and don't sound soooooooo bitter!


Oh...Americans are dumb...real dumb. Just as real dumb as our home grown. (that applies to every country on the planet) The only prob I have with the thread is the missing word "some" instead of "the" in the title ". If you have the ability to look at it a little deeper the clips were probably shown because of our similarities...but we just wont admit that because that's like spitting on our own. Anyway..I found them amusing as did I find the Brit ones I introduced...dumb'idity has no borders as proven by this thread.

Dreadfully sorry, old chap, I fell into the vernacular of the South Bronx wherein I have often been. You have to watch your language in New York City. If the guy sitting next to you in the bar is wearing a tee shirt with NYFD or NYPD on it and asks you " Whadda you lookin at? " in a faintly Irish accent, a gift from his saintly mother , either try to hide your English accent or say nothing. Best thing is to go dee dah and he'll think you're Norwegian. I do it on SF because of the ones who " Can't stand Americanisms ". You aren't the only ones who can pull a chain. Anyway old bean, have a nice day. I'll try not to be sooooooooooooo bitter, come to that i might drink a pint of it. Was that enough os for you. For guy read man, sorry!
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I'll go along with those sentiments.

Message to Geocol

"Never respond to a post when in a bad mood"

It's so easy to type something into a keyboard, following dealing with an irrirating business associate, and take it out on someone across the water.

With me, Its when the cat gets under my feet, and trips me up. Her name is Princess but she only answers to fxxxoff:)
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How about breakfast at Dennys while on the road. Corn beef hash, eggs sunny side up, sausages, double rashers of crispy bacon, french toast dripping in butter, stack of pancakes soaked in maple syrup.


What my wife dryly refers to as a "heart attack special"


Your wife is right. That stuff will kill 'ya.


As a child, we frequently visited our paternal grandparents at Christmas. My grandfather always cooked my cousins and siblings a similar meal, including hangtown fry, as they lived in Placerville. All us kids could hardly move afterwards. Looking back, I think that was probably his intent. :hihi:

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Sierra my dear, old men and Spam were meant for each other. While others can die choking on a celery stick,I will end my days burping on a slice or two of God's food, peut etre with a fried egg and toast.:)


You and my dad. :D Like Jack Nicholson who said, 'I wanna be sick when I die, not well!'


As for useless sports, I've never understood sumo wrestling. What 'wrestling' exactly is involved? It sure isn't what the ancient greeks had in mind, I'm pretty certain of that. I know it's the oldest sport in the world and the national sport of Japan...but what the hell?! Is there something I'm missing? :confused:

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You and my dad. :D Like Jack Nicholson who said, 'I wanna be sick when I die, not well!'


As for useless sports, I've never understood sumo wrestling. What 'wrestling' exactly is involved? It sure isn't what the ancient greeks had in mind, I'm pretty certain of that. I know it's the oldest sport in the world and the national sport of Japan...but what the hell?! Is there something I'm missing? :confused:


How the He** did we get from SPAM to Sumo ?

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