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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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Sorry to go one better again. Pauline is 14 years younger than I. She's an Irish born catholic, and I'm C of E, or at least thats what the RN decided I was, and who was I to argue with Admiralty. We don't fight much! I lost my first wife, Pat ,in a car crash on the Mass Pike in 1979. Two of my three sons, Dave and MIke, are actually my stepsons, but don't ever call them that in front of their mother if you don't want the worry of an Irishwoman's anger on your head. They were very young when their father died, and took me as Dad ever since. Between the 3 of them they have made my life in America very worth while. Mike always buys a season ticket to the UConn football games, and he makes sure I get to see at least a couple of them with him. I buy the seasons to the Uconn basketball games.:)




They keep you young though dont they? I was all set for a game of 9 holes early this morning but was handed a tennis racket instead.

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I have three DVD recorders around the house, and they each have different protocols. One of them is a Magnavox combination DVD/VCR recorder which is a bitch. If you don't follow the correct procedure to the letter, it will lock up so hard that you can't turn it off or remove the tape or DVD. Its a little kinder to the DVD mode. However I often prefer the VCR. You can erase them easier, and they don't go back to the start on you if you screw up when you're playing them and pause. It never happens to me, of course, but I have an Irish wife. ( Awaiting the attack now )The product doesn't look quite as good on tape, but I don't have HD anyway so who cares.:)





I have a Panasonic non HD DVD/VCR recorder I bought about five years ago and a Samsung HD DVD/VCR recorder I bought about a year ago.


They're both pretty straight forward to operate as long as the blank DVD is formated first and finalized at the end of recording for compatability to play back on other DVD player recorders.


The Samsung HD recorder however will not record any movie that has a copyright attached to it. i didnt know this before I bought it and called Samsung's customer service department. I was told that because there had been so much pirating of movies going on particularly in China and other parts of SE Asia the manufacturers had purposely made them to be able to detect and cancel any attempt to record a movie still under copyright.


No problem with the non HD Panasonic recorder though but the picture quality isn't quite as crisp


They dont make any Blue Ray players that can record either

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Sorry guys no pot belly,, bandana or bald head (thinning a liitle though).


All kinds of people ride Harleys. I've been to the annual biker gathering in Loughlin Nevada a few times. There are doctors, lawyers, businessmen as well as your regular narly old dudes. There's generally around 200 or 300 hundred show up and all the riverside hotels are booked solid.


I never could get my wife on the back of mine. Hated them but learned to live with Fat Boy as I learned to live with her mountain bikes and tennis rackets.


It's all give and take in marriage and as long as you're happy together that's all that counts




Ahhh.. The River Run

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How the He** did we get from SPAM to Sumo ?


Ahhhh sorry. I guess what I meant is that every culture has things about it that an outsider just wouldn't understand. Like when someone was complaining about American football. I don't get sumo wrestling. But I don't expect to. I'm not japanese nor was I raised in that culture. But just because I don't like it doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with it.


Or vegemite. An Australian friend once insisted I try some. Holy crap it was awful.


"Well, whaddya think?"




"Here, have some more!"


"No thanks!"


"You don't like it?"


"No, I'm sorry, I don't."


"That's ok. More for me!"


And I hear they feed that stuff to babies! :help:

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Ahhhh sorry. I guess what I meant is that every culture has things about it that an outsider just wouldn't understand. Like when someone was complaining about American football. I don't get sumo wrestling. But I don't expect to. I'm not japanese nor was I raised in that culture. But just because I don't like it doesn't necessarily mean there's something wrong with it.


Or vegemite. An Australian friend once insisted I try some. Holy crap it was awful.


"Well, whaddya think?"




"Here, have some more!"


"No thanks!"


"You don't like it?"


"No, I'm sorry, I don't."


"That's ok. More for me!"


And I hear they feed that stuff to babies! :help:



An American once remarked to me on seeing the contents of a bottle of Bovril for the first time that it looked like a dog's diarrhoea

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I feel really bad now, seeing you guys happily gossiping away about your glory days. I didn't realise you were all that old!


I apologise for micky taking you, I was brought up better than that, always to be courteous and respectful to my elders, no matter how annoying they are. I'm really sorry, and I shall never do it again! And I do mean that most sincerely, folks. :)

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