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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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And to add my two-penneth, Sheffield in the 60's was wonderfull. Place was cleaned up, Nightlife was hopping, shopping was great, World Cup matches at Hillsborough, and most people were working.

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At least you weren't handed the dish towel like I was. I said I was watching the Tour De France. Lot of good that did me. Had it been the hurliing final between Clare and Limerick I might have got away with it.


My wife's tennis partner up the road called at six AM to say she couldn't make it so she ended up drafting old Andre Agassi here :hihi: Not the first time this happened either.


Why is it that it's never too early to play 18 holes but a rotten unreasonable time to drag a poor bloke out of bed to swat a ball back and forth over a net?

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Isn't this interesting.


The only folk who are saying anything good about Britain are the ones who left and are the target of the home bloggers on here !


I dont think we expats are the targets. It's the country we now live in. We just get involved in the arguments and strictly by our own choice of course

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Oh, and it was 1and 6 for a pint and a gallon of petrol was two bob


I've seen the changes here too i can tell you. When I arrived a gallon of gas was around 25 cents, cars were 30 feet long and did about 10 MPG, women still wore Doris Day style hats and for 30 bucks you could buy a weeks groceries, There were still a few signs down in South Carolina saying White and Colored when I arrived en route to Parris Island but segregation was already mostly dead and they were still building the Los Angeles freeway system

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Great to hate the Americans isn't it?


They have done nothing for us have they?


We are not so dumb that the biggest food chains in our Country come from America employing thousands of us not so dumb.


We are not so dumb that we won the fight against Hitler in the Second World War without our allies from America are we?


Come on now people. If it weren't for dumb Americans, we would no longer be British, as Britain would no longer exist!


'Thank you America' would be a better thread.

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Great to hate the Americans isn't it?


They have done nothing for us have they?


We are not so dumb that the biggest food chains in our Country come from America employing thousands of us not so dumb.


We are not so dumb that we won the fight against Hitler in the Second World War without our allies from America are we?


Come on now people. If it weren't for dumb Americans, we would no longer be British, as Britain would no longer exist!


'Thank you America' would be a better thread.



It would be a different thread...you could maybe start one?



The thread would better have been titled "How dumb are people".;)

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I've seen the changes here too i can tell you. When I arrived a gallon of gas was around 25 cents, cars were 30 feet long and did about 10 MPG, women still wore Doris Day style hats and for 30 bucks you could buy a weeks groceries, There were still a few signs down in South Carolina saying White and Colored when I arrived en route to Parris Island but segregation was already mostly dead and they were still building the Los Angeles freeway system
When I arrived in Montreal in 1968, I was paid $2.96 an hour, a little under $120.00 a week. With some overtime, and there was always some to be had I could round out to $200.00. My apartment rent was $100 a month, and groceries about $20 a week eating very well. I could have bought a new VW Beetle for $1800 but opted for a 2 year old one for $800. When I left UK I had been making $30 a week, had a company car and all the petrol I needed paid for by the company. But I still struggled, taking holidays in a tent. I bought the VW three weeks after I arrived in Canada, then bought a new Vauxhall Viva a year later. This was the biggest nistake of my life, because it was crap. This is not a condemnation of British cars, because American cars were no better in those days. The Vauxhall was never meant to face a Canadian winter. I replaced it with a Ford Galaxie made in Oshawa, Ontario which was a lovely car, big, armchair comfortable and quiet. Who cared how much gas it used at 30 cents a gallon.
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