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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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Was that about the same time that people round Dolly Parton's area were living in the woods with a dozen kids in log cabins and pages of newspapers pasted on the walls instead of wallpaper? Bad times all over the world, I reckon. But easier for some people to make their way out of the situation than others.


I'm a lot younger than you and often feel I'd like to go round the world on more than a holiday, but I don't like the idea that people went off to make a better life for themselves abroad when times were harsh after their country had fought a war trying to protect the rest of Europe instead of sticking with it and helping it get back on its feet. It just doesn't sit well for me.




Who said social conditons were ideal this side of the pond in WW2?


Obviously I wasn't here but from what I've read there was still a lot of rural poverty in the south, there was rationing of some kind and shortages.


Segregation was the way of life in the southern states and there were instances where black GIs were barred from white only restaurants while German POWs were allowed to eat in those places with their guards during work breaks.


As far as leaving Britain was concerned the great majprity who did so in the years just after WW2 were men and women who had fought on land, sea and air for their country. They had married started families and wanted something better for their kids if not for themselves in a country where austerity seemed to be going on forever.


In my own case leaving in 1965 was due mainly to getting over a brief bad marriage and finding myself in the same old rut that I had been prior to my national servcie in the army

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You weren't making me look bad. For having a job and not having kids till I could afford them and a decent home to put them in? I was going to post an opinion about your situation that I realised would make certain people think I was being nasty, so I thought better of it.


I don't blame you for emigrating because you couldn't hack it over here, but you probably brought a lot of it on yourself by having children before you were in a situation to afford it? As you know from reading these boards, the received wisdom is that people shouldn't have kids if they dont have a decent home for or can't afford them. Not an opinion I always concur with, but hey-ho, many people do.


I'm very happy for you that your new life went well, but there's no need to validate it by slagging off your mother country like certain other people constantly do. People in UK enjoy going to the USA on holiday and many of us feel that we have a 'special relationship' with the USA, sadly maybe the Americans don't feel they have one with us these days? Even though we've supported your country through thick and thin. In witness, our soldiers bodies are being repatriated regularly, two more brought home today :( But whenever we need a favour in return, suddenly the door closes, it seems.


I think it's very disappointing, quite honestly.


Very sorry to hear about the two British soldiers being brough home today but the Americans have lost quite a few men also over the past week Ruby


I dont get where you mention "the Americans dont feel they have a special relationship with Britain today"


What does that mean exactly? :huh:


I dont hear Americans going around in the streets proclaiming such statements and in fact if you go into any store or any restaurant or any bar and they hear your accent they will ask you where you're from and what brings you here. Those who have been to Britain will be only to anxious to share their holiday memories with you


During my early years here I was frequently the subject of friendly curiosity.


No one says anything nowadays probably because I've lost the accent

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Fortunately their mum looked out of the window before she let the kids out to play.:hihi::hihi:




The black bears in the mountains above my house usually stay far off the beaten track but when cubbing season is here the worst thing the unlucky hiker can do is get between mama and her cubs. Thats; when the bear becomes a vindictive killer. They can climb trees, cross rivers and reach speeds of around 30 MPH and if they've zeroed in on an interloper it can be a bad situation.


I've hiked up in those mountains a lot over the years and always carried a revolver. Not primarily intended to kill any bear that wants to tangle with me but to scare them off. Very loud noises generally do the trick

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The Hikers round here tie little bells to their shoe laces so the Bears will hear them coming and will not get surprised and they carry pepper spray just in case.


If you're out on the trails you can tell whether there's blak bears or Greizzley's around. The black bear skat usually has bits of fur and feathers in it and it smells like berries.



The Grizzley Scat has little bells in it and smells like pepper :-)

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Was that about the same time that people round Dolly Parton's area were living in the woods with a dozen kids in log cabins and pages of newspapers pasted on the walls instead of wallpaper? Bad times all over the world, I reckon. But easier for some people to make their way out of the situation than others.


I'm a lot younger than you and often feel I'd like to go round the world on more than a holiday, but I don't like the idea that people went off to make a better life for themselves abroad when times were harsh after their country had fought a war trying to protect the rest of Europe instead of sticking with it and helping it get back on its feet. It just doesn't sit well for me.


You been in the Service Nitjack ????

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The Hikers round here tie little bells to their shoe laces so the Bears will hear them coming and will not get surprised and they carry pepper spray just in case.


If you're out on the trails you can tell whether there's blak bears or Greizzley's around. The black bear skat usually has bits of fur and feathers in it and it smells like berries.



The Grizzley Scat has little bells in it and smells like pepper :-)




Ever been to Yosemite or Yellowstone? There are frequent warning not to feed the bears. The park rangers pass out flyers when you enter the parks about feeding bears.


The critters can be friendly enough as long as you keep feeding them but once you run out of food they can turn aggressive


They aint anything like Yogi bear :hihi:

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