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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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Ever been to Yosemite or Yellowstone? There are frequent warning not to feed the bears. The park rangers pass out flyers when you enter the parks about feeding bears.


The critters can be friendly enough as long as you keep feeding them but once you run out of food they can turn aggressive


They aint anything like Yogi bear :hihi:


I've never had a close encounter with a bear, thank God. But I have seen them from a distance, pawing around discarded food and trash cans. They are dangerous, fast as lightning and incredibly strong. I have seen the aftermath of bear attacks on cars. Doors ripped clean off, upholstry shredded, seats and windows broken. All to get at the granola bars or Gatorade the owners left inside.


As kids when camping, we were instructed to even be cautious about where we spit out our toothpaste and we weren't allowed to chew gum. Apparently bears go nuts over anything minty.

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I've never had a close encounter with a bear, thank God. But I have seen them from a distance, pawing around discarded food and trash cans. They are dangerous, fast as lightning and incredibly strong. I have seen the aftermath of bear attacks on cars. Doors ripped clean off, upholstry shredded, seats and windows broken. All to get at the granola bars or Gatorade the owners left inside.


As kids when camping, we were instructed to even be cautious about where we spit out our toothpaste and we weren't allowed to chew gum. Apparently bears go nuts over anything minty.



I've never had a close encounter with a bear either and have little faith in these so called bear repellents. Spraying an angry bear would probably only make the beast even madder. i know very loud noises work which is why i made the habit of carrying my 357 Smith and Wesson when I used to go hiking


We stayed in Yosemite park for a few dys in 1978. We used to hear them pass the cabin after dark and start banging the trash cans around looking for food

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just pack a mint ice cream and throw it in the other direction then. They'll make a bearline for it.


According to bear experts once they feel you've threatened their cubs nothing will deter them not even picnic baskets

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they're solo though. They wouldn't attack in packs like smaller pack-attack type animals, like dogs and babboons, would.


They dont need mates. As Sierra said they're big, powerful and mean enough to completely wreck a car even

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just pack a mint ice cream and throw it in the other direction then. They'll make a bearline for it.




I've never had a close encounter with a bear either and have little faith in these so called bear repellents. Spraying an angry bear would probably only make the beast even madder. i know very loud noises work which is why i made the habit of carrying my 357 Smith and Wesson when I used to go hiking


We stayed in Yosemite park for a few dys in 1978. We used to hear them pass the cabin after dark and start banging the trash cans around looking for food


I think you're right about the bear repellent, I've often wondered why they even sell it. I've never been in a situation where I've had to scare one off and I hope I never am! Honestly, I think I'd even rather be bitten by a rattler than have to fend off a bear.



One of my sisters lives in Foresthill, California. Her husband is a descendant of gold rush era Californians and he refuses to move away from his family.




We were out walking with the kids and the dogs once and I nearly tripped over this enormous pile of poop.


"Is that what I think it is?"


"Yup. Bear droppings".


*gulp* "Let's go back to the house, NOW!"


*Laughs* "God sis, you're such a baby! :D

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Well you certainly got that right :-)
In all the years I've lived here I never figured out a plural for moose. I dare say some SFer will take the trouble to find out, but I don't lose sleep over it. Cow moose are quite docile and not shy, only dangerous if you get between them and their calves. Bull moose are very private so you rarely see one. A bull moose came down into Massachusets and got into a love affair with a domestic cow. They couldn't keep him away from her. They tranquilized him,sent him way up to Maine, but he was back the following year. Don't know what happened to him in the end.
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