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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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In all the years I've lived here I never figured out a plural for moose. I dare say some SFer will take the trouble to find out, but I don't lose sleep over it. Cow moose are quite docile and not shy, only dangerous if you get between them and their calves. Bull moose are very private so you rarely see one. A bull moose came down into Massachusets and got into a love affair with a domestic cow. They couldn't keep him away from her. They tranquilized him,sent him way up to Maine, but he was back the following year. Don't know what happened to him in the end.


ok so im extreamly bored, way to hot to sleep and theres hardly any one on here and no one on my msn or facebook so i googled it.









moose, (chiefly humorous) meese, (dated, rare) mooses


moose (plural moose, (chiefly humorous) meese, (dated, rare) mooses)


1. (US) The largest member of the deer family (Alces alces), of which the male has very large, palmate antlers.


We saw two moose at the edge of the woods by the marsh.


2. Plural form of moose.


now off for a extreamly cold bath to give me the shivers and send me asleep (i hope!)

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I've never had a close encounter with a bear either and have little faith in these so called bear repellents. Spraying an angry bear would probably only make the beast even madder. i know very loud noises work which is why i made the habit of carrying my 357 Smith and Wesson when I used to go hiking


We stayed in Yosemite park for a few dys in 1978. We used to hear them pass the cabin after dark and start banging the trash cans around looking for food




Of course you never had it with you in the National Park remember ;)

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I'm not critcising you, obviously, but why did you rent a hovel for so long? You could have either bought a modernised house or even rented something a little less primitive, if you couldn't afford to buy?


If you were already an "owner-occupier" it wasn't always possible to get out, if you were unlucky.


Sale of my parents' house circa 1960 (give or take 18 months either way) failed to go through, because our wonderful council in their wisdom advised potential buyer that the whole area was going to be cleared within nn years ( I think it was 5, but may be wrong).


The house was still standing in 1976, when my parents' finally received a compensation package, which was nowhere near enough to enable them to buy again.


But, after a neighbour pointed it out, my father did stick broken glass and cement in the rat hole, to stop my playmates arriving. I can't recollect it at the time, but the experience held me in good stead in later life, for dealing with used car salesmen and estate agents. :)

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If you've never done the Normandy Beaches tour I highly recommend it.

My wife and I did the tour in 1997. Her father was a D-day veteran, landed on Utah Beach on D-Day and she wanted him to go with us but he had no wish to see it again unlike many veterans who were there and still return from time to time.


As I've said before I've never flown in a WW2 plane let alone piloted one but given the fact that there was little or no technology for spotting ground targets long before they visually appeared and flying at speeds of around 250 MPH mistakes were bound to be made from time to time.


If you delete some items out of you p-message boxes Harley, I'll PM you in future to abvoid irritating UKUS.


I haven't been round Normandy as much as I'd have liked to have, something still on the "to do" list.


I think I can understand your Father IL not wanting to go back, the trauma must have been awful,


Re Planes.

I have flown in a Dakota 3 (as a passenger in a remote area of Africa in the seventies) as a thunderstorm was developing in the vicinity we were due to land. Correct, a frightening experience!

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I'm a lot younger than you and often feel I'd like to go round the world on more than a holiday, but I don't like the idea that people went off to make a better life for themselves abroad when times were harsh after their country had fought a war trying to protect the rest of Europe instead of sticking with it and helping it get back on its feet. It just doesn't sit well for me.


In his defence he left about 1967 (by which time Europe was back on it's feet), not around 1947.

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And if you need any help with the IRA let us know.

Stopping funding them helped, which only happened after 9/11 brought home to MANY Americans what terrorism means.

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Was that about the same time that people round Dolly Parton's area were living in the woods with a dozen kids in log cabins and pages of newspapers pasted on the walls instead of wallpaper? Bad times all over the world, I reckon. But easier for some people to make their way out of the situation than others.


I'm a lot younger than you and often feel I'd like to go round the world on more than a holiday, but I don't like the idea that people went off to make a better life for themselves abroad when times were harsh after their country had fought a war trying to protect the rest of Europe instead of sticking with it and helping it get back on its feet. It just doesn't sit well for me.

Look at it this way, if all those families who disappeared into the outback for ten quid, and all those who headed to Canada to help replace all the men who were killed, had stayed home the place would have been spilling over with people. Instead they left space for all those immigrants you love so much. No need to protect Europe, America did that.
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We have been taken over !


It's six minutes past four in the afternoon in Sheffield, and soon I'll have something better to do than remain on here.


Have a good breakfast.


It's four in the afternoon over in the UK.


and there's only Buck up yet over there......... unless they have gone on a bear hunt .



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