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How Dumb Are The Americans ?

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I know it's childish but I loves it when you and Ruby gets to grips..so animated, it's like reading them postcards at Sarfend pier. :hihi:



Sigmund Freud?...he's a winger, isn't he?




Remember that British series "Keeping up Appearances" ? British humor at it's most brilliant I thought.


Picture me as Onslow and Rubydazzler as Hyacinth Bucket :hihi:

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Ane there wa old Ruby sending me a post t'other day wishing us a happy Independence day.


You speaketh with a forked tongue gal :suspect:

Its called a double standard. Call Americans stupid and any other insult you can pack in, then cry foul if we respond. Why bother, its not worth the hassle. She'll only try to get you banned.
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Why do I always imagine Harleyman in stayprest trousers and an Hawaiian shirt, buck wearing really high waist trousers, a grey t-shirt tucked in, and a baseball cap with Go Patriots embroidered on it? Oh, and poppins living in a trailer park wearing bingo trousers and a candystripe shirt?


Stereotyping? Me? Never!! ;)

Do you honestly think I see you with your hair in curlers, a woodbine dangling form your lips, the ash dropping into your hubby's fish and chips, screaming at your kid to wipe his snotty nose. Of course not. I'm sure you're purer than old Hyacinth there and just as big a snob. The baseball cap has Montreal Canadiens on it by the way. I have been a citizen of three countries, GB, Canada, which has 11 Provinces, and The United States, of which I believe there are fifty. There are 32 Counties in Ireland, six of which are in bondage. But I don't know how many counties there are in England, or Scotland, or Wales. Does that make me a traitor? You just described Simon Cowell's wardrobe. I wear only Levi's, they don't come in high waist.
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I know it's childish but I loves it when you and Ruby gets to grips..so animated, it's like reading them postcards at Sarfend pier. :hihi:



Sigmund Freud?...he's a winger, isn't he?

Collapse of stout party.:)
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You've never seen one of us expats or our American born SF members start a thread knocking England have you? So why do some members start threads insulting Americans in general.? I take exception since my family are American and certainly not dumb or stupid



There are a lot of SF members I'v exchanged posts with who I respect for their fairness and intelligence and I regret very much if some of my responsive posts to the lesser educated SF members have caused them in turn to feel insulted.


The SF is not a cross section of Sheffield and Britis people in general and despite all the caustic rhetoric at times I'm still proud to have been born in a country like Britain

The biggest reason I argue for my adopted country is that 2 of my 3 sons were born American, and all my 7 grandkids. To them a car has a trunk and a hood, an elevator takes them up or down in a building. Not one of them is obese, and certainly not stupid. My 2 year old Lauren Bridget has more joy in her than many of you on SF. She will never be afraid to be patriotic or fly the stars and stripes, she will be able to recite the pledge of allegiance before she enters Kindergarten, and if I have anything to do with it never want for anything.
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The biggest reason I argue for my adopted country is that 2 of my 3 sons were born American, and all my 7 grandkids. To them a car has a trunk and a hood, an elevator takes them up or down in a building. Not one of them is obese, and certainly not stupid. My 2 year old Lauren Bridget has more joy in her than many of you on SF. She will never be afraid to be patriotic or fly the stars and stripes, she will be able to recite the pledge of allegiance before she enters Kindergarten, and if I have anything to do with it never want for anything.




All my family wife, two sons and three grand daughters all born American and proud of it.

I've kept some association with Britain. Was a member of the Mayflower club for a few years.

There's a French family up the road, grandma son and daughter-in-law.


They never left France even though they've lived here for 35 years. Wife and grandma never learned hardly a word of English. Husband knocks his adopted country all the time. One of those froggies who thinks that once he's left his native shores all civiliazation ceases to exist.


When you ring their door bell it actually plays the Marseilles for chrisake :hihi:


He's not a bad guy overall but have to wonder why he ever came here

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