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Would you politely remind a driver using a mobile is illegal?

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Did you really think the cyclist was pedalling along whilst holding a camera? Despite clearly being able to see both his hands in the clip?


Looking again, you're clearly right that its a helmet cam. But still, cutting someone up and then talking like that to them is bound to wind people up. The van driver is an idiot, but if you look at more of that cyclists videos, he's clearly an arse.

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Bent Mikey is a smashing chap, he doesn't go looking for trouble and he was perfectly polite, "Put the phone down mate" is a reasonable admonition. Do you do nothing when you see people breaking the law and placing lives in danger? Too few people in this country have the guts to tackle yobbish, anti-social behaviour, too many people turn away and are frightened of doing something.


The cops have basically given up on road safety. Cyclists have even sent footage of drivers on mobiles to the police and the police refuse to do anything.


This is their official response:


Dear cyclist,


In response to your e-mail about mobile phones the answer is we do prosecute motorists for driving whilst using them, either in special campaigns which we place in the public domain or on an on-going and continual basis as part of normal policing activity.


I agree that the evidence currently would suggest society's addiction to their use supersedes their fear of apprehension.


It is unlikely we would prosecute from u-tube video alone. The evidential trail is difficult and time consuming besides there are a high number of offenders on our roads every day who need catching.


Thank you for your interest.

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Not always wise, perhaps:




I have to admit, Spindrift, we don't always see eye to eye on things, but I totally agree with you on this.


The van driver isn't wearing a belt, is abusive to the cyclist, is driving in a reckless (agressive towards cyclists and running a red light) manner and appears to spit at the cyclist.


What a sorry excuse for a human being.

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I have nearly been run over several times by drivers using thier mobiles, usually on corners. However, I have to admit that my outburst of 'Put your effing phone down!' as they drive away has never been polite :)

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Bent Mikey is a smashing chap, he doesn't go looking for trouble and he was perfectly polite, "Put the phone down mate" is a reasonable admonition. Do you do nothing when you see people breaking the law and placing lives in danger? Too few people in this country have the guts to tackle yobbish, anti-social behaviour, too many people turn away and are frightened of doing something.


The cops have basically given up on road safety. Cyclists have even sent footage of drivers on mobiles to the police and the police refuse to do anything.


This is their official response:


Dear cyclist,


In response to your e-mail about mobile phones the answer is we do prosecute motorists for driving whilst using them, either in special campaigns which we place in the public domain or on an on-going and continual basis as part of normal policing activity.


I agree that the evidence currently would suggest society's addiction to their use supersedes their fear of apprehension.


It is unlikely we would prosecute from u-tube video alone. The evidential trail is difficult and time consuming besides there are a high number of offenders on our roads every day who need catching.


Thank you for your interest.


The guy in question wasn't driving dangerously or putting anyone's life at risk. He was doing no more than 5 MPH and then was cut up by a cyclist thinking he's some kind of law enforcement officer.


People such as the cyclist will always wind people up. If I saw someone driving at a point where they might endanger other people I'd call the police with their reg number, not film the person, confront him and then boast about my YouTube channel.

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The cops have given up paul. They won't even accept reports of bad, inconsiderate or dangerous driving without an independent witness.


Unbelievably, if the other witness is a cyclist the cops say they're not independent.


The cops have given up, the roads are full of cretins like this ape driver.

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No I wouldn't. There are far worse things you can do whilst driving, for example being tired. Using a phone whilst in slow moving traffic isn't exactly a crime against humanity.


If you're going to take that line you'd have to warn everyone - 'don't change radio station, don't talk to your passengers, don't check on the kids in the back.... in fact don't drive at all because it's too dangerous!'


Van driver is clearly an arse, but I wouldn't take too kindly to a cyclist pulling in front of me either, they're both idiots!

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No, because speech is only part of communication, there is tone of voice, body posture and all sorts of non-verbal clues in face-to-face conversation that simply does not exist when you're talking on a telephone. You have to concentrate that much harder when you talk on the phone. To do that in moving traffic, just before the traffic lights change when you're the third car park, is insane. He'd have to take his hand off the steering wheel to change gear! I wouldn't want someone fannying around on the phone whilst steering a ton of steel around me on a bike.


He was politely admonished, I hope I would do the same.


And good grief, "cutting in" isn't a crime against humanity either, the reaction was unwarranted.


Jesus, if that ape reacts like that to a road altercation what in the name of left-handed Greek buggery would he do if something really bad happened?


He needs to be taken off the roads, the gibbering knuckle-dragger.

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