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Would you politely remind a driver using a mobile is illegal?

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I've been nearly run into a couple of times by people who seem to think its okay to use their mobile while driving. Like the woman who pulled out on me at a give way corner with limited visibility while on her phone. I gave her a very prolonged beep. I saw another person oversteering around a corner whilst holding their mobile phone under their chin with their hand.

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The cops have given up paul. They won't even accept reports of bad, inconsiderate or dangerous driving without an independent witness.


Unbelievably, if the other witness is a cyclist the cops say they're not independent.


The cops have given up, the roads are full of cretins like this ape driver.


But taking matters into your own hands and causing unnecessary conflict isn't the answer.

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The cyclist caused nothing. The cyclist was not responsible for the gorilla's reaction. That's victim-blaming. Anything that happened after the cyclist politely and calmly remonstrated with the driver is the driver's fault, nobody elses.

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No I wouldn't tell someone to get off their phone. I also wouldn't go past on a bike and say, "Put the phone down, mate". What gives him the right to tell people what to do? The van wasn't moving, he wasn't causing any harm. This could have been avoided if the biker didn't say anything. The biker then decides it's a good idea to pull in front of the van?


He then says to the van driver, "You're on Camera you dumb ass!" Which would obviously provoke someone, calling them a dumb ass...


He then says, as the guy is walking away, "You didn't have the courage did you?" Once again trying to provoke the bloke. Then laughing in front of his "biker friends".


I'm in no way condoning the actions of the van driver, but can understand why the Police won't do anything.

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The van was moving and was the third car in line at the last. Stop offering excuses for thuggery.


If someone started waving a chainsaw round near your face wouldn't you ask them to pack it in?


Talking on a mobile whilst driving is arrogant, bullying behaviour, and it turns out the driver is indeed and arrogant bully.


Too many weak-willed people who won't stand up to bullies, if you don't stand up to them you get walked all over, or driven over and killed by muppets too stupid to think the law should apply to them.

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The van was moving and was the third car in line at the last. Stop offering excuses for thuggery.


If someone started waving a chainsaw round near your face wouldn't you ask them to pack it in?


Talking on a mobile whilst driving is arrogant, bullying behaviour, and it turns out the driver is indeed and arrogant bully.


Too many weak-willed people who won't stand up to bullies, if you don't stand up to them you get walked all over, or driven over and killed by muppets too stupid to think the law should apply to them.


Once again, why didn't the biker go to the front of a traffic?


Nobody was waving a chainsaw, stop being dramatic.


No it isn't stop making things up. You believe that everyone who has used a mobile phone whilst driving is an arrogant bully? :loopy:


Should I pull up to the side of every car that, speeds, driver sparks up a cig, changes the radio station, using a mobile phone, eating an apple etc etc and tell them to stop it? All of these things have resulted in accidents. The answer, no, I'm not the Police, I can't enforce any road law.

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The van driver behaved like a complete idiot. But i question the cyclists motives when he peddles around with a camera attached to his bike, and makes passing remarks to drivers. It does seem a little like provocation. Thats not to say i condone the drivers behaviour spindrift.

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The cyclist caused nothing. The cyclist was not responsible for the gorilla's reaction. That's victim-blaming. Anything that happened after the cyclist politely and calmly remonstrated with the driver is the driver's fault, nobody elses.


He took matters into his own hands by "telling off" someone using their mobile whilst sat in traffic. He then proceeded to cut in front of the guy, further aggravating the situation.

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