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Stovin Road, Attercliffe

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Hi there "stovin" can you remember the Lake family whose house back on to Robinsons scrap yard. Just after the war me and my sister stayed with the Lakes (Aunt & Uncle) until we got a house to rent on Greenland Rd opposite Balfours main gate.

If you lived just across Stovin Rd you might remember the Reynolds / Lingards.


Just catching up on a few threads and saw your post. I think the Lakes you are talking about would be my aunt and uncle, Dora and Harry?? their daughters Irena and Barbara also used to live in the same yard (not sure if they were still then when you were. Other daughters were Dawn, Gillian and Son Harry. Also you mentioned Lingards - if you mean the ones that were on Greenland Road then that my my aunt too, Dora's Lakes sister, Eva Lingard, kids Brian and Doreen. Sounds a bit of a longshot to me that we're talking about the same folks unless like me you're getting a bit long in the tooth (LOL). My grandparents also used to live on greenland road but there was and entrance to their yard on the opposide side of Stovin Road to Aunty Dora.

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  • 2 months later...
Stovin Road

Hi Joto. I worked with David Sampson, when we were in our teens.

His younger brother, John, had the nickname (Wink). Hope he doesn't mind me

saying that.

Carol Murphy lived there too. She's called Sykes now and works in Crystal Peaks -

nice lass, always was.

Carol had two pals, one known as Mugsie (Mullins) and Olive, who lives at

Ballifield, near The Everest pub.

Football held the lads together. Other names that rise up from the mist are Alan

Fitzjohn, Steve Marples, off Philimore Road (I think) and Alan Aystrop.

I hope that's stirred some memories up for you.

Older names off Stovin include the Earnshaws,(Madge & Frank) and Jack & Ethel Lee.

They used to go in Greenland Road club, with the Briggs's, Andisides, Fred Kenny etc.

but that takes us onto another thread.

enjoy looking back and have a good day.



Hi just wondering how you knew Madge and Frank Earnshaw. Just saw this post as I was searching info on Stovin road.

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Hi just wondering how you knew Madge and Frank Earnshaw. Just saw this post as I was searching info on Stovin road.

My mother-in-law & father-in-law were friends of theirs, for years and all were regulars, at The Tabernacle, (Greenland Road WMC)

I keep in touch with their youngest daughter, Wendy, who lives in Canada.:thumbsup:

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My mother-in-law & father-in-law were friends of theirs, for years and all were regulars, at The Tabernacle, (Greenland Road WMC)

I keep in touch with their youngest daughter, Wendy, who lives in Canada.:thumbsup:


Ok who is this....I am Wendy LOL! Don't know who you are with the name G12Ravda

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  • 7 months later...

Hi Dangerus, was gobsmacked when you mentioned the Reynolds. They lived at 112 Stovin Road and Jim and Florie were my Grandparents. My mum Jean passed away in Sept 2006, her sister Eileen about 4 years ago and Charlie the eldest last year, Jimmy is about 86 and living near Retford. Keith who worked for years at Balfours lives at Bradway and Ian lives in Derby.

We lived in the terraced houses in front of Davy loweys factory on Prince of Wales Road and when they pulled them down moved to Stovin Road for about a year until we could find somewhere else.

I well remember Emma she frightened my sister Jill and me cos we thought she was a witch!

The co-op at the top of the road and the chippy on March Street and playing in the old air raid shelter on the back field.

Do you remember the Adzeds at 110?

All the best

Bob Hamilton

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Lived on Stovin rd in the early 1960's until 1969 moved to deeper darnall area.

I always classed stovin rd as Darnall anything over the Broughton lane bridge I classed as attercliffe.I lived @ 120 which was nearer Greenland Rd @ the end of the road, there was 2 corner shops @ the time, Prices & Emma's .Emma's was run by a really old lady from what I remember.Always remember a large scrap yard which backed on to some of the houses on Stovin across from our house massive pile of scrap that looked like it was ready to slip.Remember Jacksons Ice cream man coming around on Sunday selling flavored / coloured ice cream,other ice cream vans did not stand a chance,Ah long time ago



Hi Stovin, can you remember the "bomb" the scrapyard used to use to smash the scrap with, lift it with the crane aand then release it. I can't remember the year but one day things went wrong and a piece of scrap flew over the houses into Stovin Rd and killed a man, sometime early 50's I think.

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Hi Dangerus, was gobsmacked when you mentioned the Reynolds. They lived at 112 Stovin Road and Jim and Florie were my Grandparents. My mum Jean passed away in Sept 2006, her sister Eileen about 4 years ago and Charlie the eldest last year, Jimmy is about 86 and living near Retford. Keith who worked for years at Balfours lives at Bradway and Ian lives in Derby.

We lived in the terraced houses in front of Davy loweys factory on Prince of Wales Road and when they pulled them down moved to Stovin Road for about a year until we could find somewhere else.

I well remember Emma she frightened my sister Jill and me cos we thought she was a witch!

The co-op at the top of the road and the chippy on March Street and playing in the old air raid shelter on the back field.

Do you remember the Adzeds at 110?

All the best

Bob Hamilton


The yard that the Reynolds lived in was just below Harrisons Haulage garage.

I grew up Stovin Road living at my Auntie Dora's from 1940 to the end of the war when my dad came out of the navy, then we moved to Greenland Road just about 5/6 houses on from Emma's.

My cousins and I used to play with Keith & Ian but I don't think their parents approved of me as I was the bad lad of the street.

Ask Keith if he can remember the Lingards, Doreen & Brian, also my wife to be worked at Balfours also my Mum in the canteen.



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