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Do the police take drugs in nightclubs seriously?

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This thred is a joke!


I know for a fact that I would rather be in a night club with happy, dancing, loved up people, rather than a club full of abusive drunk jocks & slappers!


It's not the drugs that are the problem, it's people who down bottles of vodka before going out that are the problem!


it's both. I have never condoned drunkenness in clubs and if you can find a post where I have then I would be suprissed. In fact I think there should be an end to all cheep booze promotions and even some kind of rationing in bars and clubs (but that is for another thread)

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it's both. I have never condoned drunkenness in clubs and if you can find a post where I have then I would be suprissed. In fact I think there should be an end to all cheep booze promotions and even some kind of rationing in bars and clubs (but that is for another thread)


People who take drugs, usually don't buy booze, cos it can be dangerous to mix them. It dehydrates you.

There shouldn't be an end to cheap booze deals & their definitely shouldn't be rationing in bars! That would be a minority spoiling things for the majority. We live in a free country! Why don't you move to North Korea? You might be happy with the lack of fun people can have there!

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People who take drugs, usually don't buy booze, cos it can be dangerous to mix them. It dehydrates you.

There shouldn't be an end to cheap booze deals & their definitely shouldn't be rationing in bars! That would be a minority spoiling things for the majority. We live in a free country! Why don't you move to North Korea? You might be happy with the lack of fun people can have there!


it is the druggies drunks and louts that spoil other people's fun. They rob decent people of a youth by forcing them to stay awy from clubs etc.


Why should nightclubs be any more lawless than anywhere else? Like it or not drugs are illegal. If you want to chance that write to your MP or vote for a party that supports legalisation. In the meantime the law should be enforced.

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It is obvious from the replies here that a small number of posters are quite pro-drugs or at least pretty relaxed about them. However, theirs is not necessarily the only point of view.


It would be interesting to hear from parents of teenagers on this thread and weather or not they would prefer their sons and daughters to go to drug free clubs or not.


I'm 30 years old. I have a 16 year old sister & a 13 year old brother. I would rather they went to a night club that played the type of music that they liked so that they could enjoy them selves & have a dance, rather than have to think about whether there will be drug takers in the club!


There will ALWAYS be drugs in clubs! Whether you like it or not! There is NOTHING you, me, the police, the government or anyone else can do about it! And as I (and others) have already said, it's not the drugs that are the problem, it's the people who don't understand tham that is the problem!

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I'm 30 years old. I have a 16 year old sister & a 13 year old brother. I would rather they went to a night club that played the type of music that they liked so that they could enjoy them selves & have a dance, rather than have to think about whether there will be drug takers in the club!


There will ALWAYS be drugs in clubs! Whether you like it or not! There is NOTHING you, me, the police, the government or anyone else can do about it! And as I (and others) have already said, it's not the drugs that are the problem, it's the people who don't understand tham that is the problem!

Not if they don't try. Plain clothes officers and a few well publicised arrests/raids might just deter future offenders or at least stop them doing it in clubs.


13 & 16 . They should not even be in clubs at that age.

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then you have never tried to run a club.


some people just have no idea what is involved in providing a safe environment for their customers. Have you tried catching the women that hide it in their underwear? the person that drops a pill whilst walking down the road n the way to their next venue? How do you control that... simply put, you cant! All a venue can do is ensure dealing isnt done and all patrons are safe, no matter what they have had,taken,drunk.


And you think its just clubs that have a drug issue? next time you are in your local...have a little look around you! Unfortunately drugs are a very huge part of the licensing trade and drugs will always be there.


with respect I don't know about your own experiences but I get the impression that bar/club owners are a lot more bothered about their own profit maximisation than in providing a safe environment for their customers. Yes I think they could take more care to prevent drug use in their venues but aslo end the silly cheap drinks promotions which encourage binge drinking and drunkenness. They might also consider the unnecesarry loud level of music they play which can certainly damage hearing of both customers and staff.


In short I am far from convinced that club owners are such upright pillors of society.

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Not if they don't try. Plain clothes officers and a few well publicised arrests/raids might just deter future offenders or at least stop them doing it in clubs.






you really have no idea.


Some clubs do this already including sniffer dogs, does it deter them....not in the slightest. They just come back another night when an operation isnt being conducted.



as illegal drugs are, unfortunately you will never be able to get rid of them from licensed premises.

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you really have no idea.


Some clubs do this already including sniffer dogs, does it deter them....not in the slightest. They just come back another night when an operation isnt being conducted.



as illegal drugs are, unfortunately you will never be able to get rid of them from licensed premises.


Well if they are in plain clothes it will be hard for the druggies to know when they are being watched and when they are not which in itself is a deterent (it is called panopticism)

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I would like to go out in the knowledge that I am NOT in the presence of druggies.


lol then i suggest you sit at home and dont go outside anywhere at all, there are drug users everywhere and you probably wouldnt even know the difference unless you knew what to look for.


It's not about being pro drugs at all, im not, its just about accepting that people taking recreational drugs in a club environment is pretty damn low on the list of priorities. they aren't really harming anyone except for upsetting you perhaps. if its a choice between police catching muggers, theives and rapists or tracking down people popping a few pills then i know which one id rather them be doing.


You dont seem to understand, there simply is not enough resources to cut out every little crime - so instead of bleating on about it why dont you come up with some suggestions because you clearly know how better to manage police resources than everyone else! Police dont even care half the time about vandals and break ins, so why should they devote more efforts simply because you dislike someone else actions who arent actually doing you any harm? We get all sorts of crap where we live, being threatened in the street because some muppet has decided to block up the road for a 'chat' - do you think i should have the police out every time for this given they are actually directly causing me grief? **** happens get over it!

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