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Do the police take drugs in nightclubs seriously?

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Both drug dealing and taking are illegal as far as I am aware and the two depend upon each other so it is a pretty sillly argument to try and seperate them.
So you're saying there is no difference between a gang of criminals who will use force and violence to sell drugs and someone taking something to make them feel good at the weekend?


Don't be ridiculous

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Drugs are in clubs, loads of them from legal highs and pills through to coke and ket. The police have better things to do, clubs have security, the police will attend if they are called but the clubs can generally monitor themselves. The police are usually pretty busy dealing with the fallout form the legal drug alcohol, you are probably aware of that one. The police also know that clubs where people have been taking drugs are usually happier, more friendly and safer than clubs full of drunken people so I think you will find that your average copper is not concerned about someone who have taken a pill or two.


If you have not had a problem with drugs in clubs then what is your issue? A massive percentage of clubbers are not the law abiding citizens you make them out to be as a massive percentage will have taken drugs.


What exactly is your issue? If you have never knowingly had any contact with people who have taken drugs then what is the difference for you between a normal club and a club where nobody has taken any drugs?


Come on sid, answer a question for a change.


You contadict yourself almost immediately. If as you say there are loads of drugs in clubs then clearly the clubs are not very effective at dealing with the issue.


"The police have better things to do" - what than to catch criminals. I always assumed that is what they are supposed to do and what we pay them for.


What is my issue? I'll tell you - I want to be able to go out for a night out without being in the company of druggies if that is OK with you?


Oh and I never said more should not be done about binge drinking. I agree with you on that point that more should be done but this thread is about illegal drugs and why more is not done to deal with the problem.

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What is my issue? I'll tell you - I want to be able to go out for a night out without being in the company of druggies if that is OK with you?
But didn't you say this?
According to some people on this forum drugs are emdemic in our nightclubs. Personally I have never experienced them at all but then my own clubbing experience is limited.


Oh and before anyone says waht about tax payers money - yes it would cost a bit but then are not decent law abiding clubers also tax payers and do they not have the right to go for a night out in a drug free environment?

So by your own admission you rarely go clubbing but when you do you want to be in a drug free environment. How do you know you aren't in a drug free environment? What impact has someone else taking drugs specifically had on you?
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I answerd all your points in the post above.


My own view is that if clubs are constantly used by drug takers then that club should loose its licence. I can't belive that if magistrates were not more serious in enforcing this that club owners would suddenly discover they can do a lot more to combat drugs.

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What impact has someone else taking drugs specifically had on you?


I don't want to be around them. I want to meet nice girls in clubs not drug takers. I don't want to be tarred with the same brush as druggies just because I go into a club. I want a clear distinction between people like me who go clubbing to meet a potential partner and those whose idea of a good time is to get off their face on some substance or other.


I can't really be much clearer than that.

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I want to be able to go out for a night out without being in the company of druggies if that is OK with you?

If you wish to go out and not meet druggies, then why are you choosing to go to places where you know there will be druggies?

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If you wish to go out and not meet druggies, then why are you choosing to go to places where you know there will be druggies?


because they should not be there. It isn't me who is in the wrong it is them. There is nothing illegal about going to a club. Why should i saty in when it is they who are breaking the law?

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You contadict yourself almost immediately. If as you say there are loads of drugs in clubs then clearly the clubs are not very effective at dealing with the issue.




What is my issue? I'll tell you - I want to be able to go out for a night out without being in the company of druggies if that is OK with you?


Oh and I never said more should not be done about binge drinking. I agree with you on that point that more should be done but this thread is about illegal drugs and why more is not done to deal with the problem.


The clubs are doing a fine job, they generally leave people to their own devices unless they are causing trouble or openly dealing. I would imagine alot of people take their own drugs in with them. Also the image I imagine you have of the evil drug dealier in the corner is some what incorrect, no pushing of drugs goes on in clubs, people if anything are generally very happy to find a dealer if they have intentions of getting high but have not taken anything in with them.


Quote "What is my issue? I'll tell you - I want to be able to go out for a night out without being in the company of druggies if that is OK with you?"


Well as you mentioned earlier that you had not had any contact with people on drugs in clubs I ask again, what is your issue? You obviously can't tell the difference between someone who has or has not taken drugs so what makes you think you are in the company of druggies? Where is the problem?

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