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Do the police take drugs in nightclubs seriously?

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There really is no hope for you slim, you should join the megacentre church or something similar. Ever considered the Jesus Army? You could stare at girls in reasonably safe environment where the music probably won't be very loud and they may even preaching about how bad drugs are.

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There really is no hope for you slim, you should join the megacentre church or something similar. Ever considered the Jesus Army? You could stare at girls in reasonably safe environment where the music probably won't be very loud and they may even preaching about how bad drugs are.


But there would be no guarentee of safety from hysterical, deluded or psychotic people in such an environment.

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In answer to the OP...No.


They know it exists but they have other fish to fry.

They know that the law is unenforceable as if they locked everyone up smoking weed ( class B drug) then we would be building prisons for the next decade.


I dont agree though that taking this drug does not make people violent. It can in some personality types cause psychosis but that is another argument that all users of weed will argue against.


One has to wonder if so many people want to take a drug to change their personality what is so wrong with their personality in the first place. I think it is a sorry state that that we live in a society wehere people feel the need to have a vice of some kind to get them through the day. Drugs, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, overeating whatever. Life is to short IMO to waste it in a haze of drunkenness/drug induced state. Life is for living.

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  • 1 month later...
Because theres rarely violence and problems in clubs where drug taking is more likely to be prevelant than drinking. (I realise Niche is going to be cited as the exception to this rule) Therefore theres really no need to be arresting people who are just going about their weekend and not harming anyone


Well said DD !

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According to some people on this forum drugs are emdemic in our nightclubs. Personally I have never experienced them at all but then my own clubbing experience is limited.


If drugs are so common in our clubs then why do the police not do more to catch the culprits? Surley it is possible to have one or two plain clothes officers in selected venues on a Friday/saturday night keeping an eye out. If they spot anything they can radio/call for re-enforcments and make some arrests.


I occasionally hear about police raids on clubs but these seem pretty few and far between.


Oh and before anyone says waht about tax payers money - yes it would cost a bit but then are not decent law abiding clubers also tax payers and do they not have the right to go for a night out in a drug free environment?


Your thoughts please. I would be especially interested to get replies from any police officers as to why the police do not devote more resources to this.


when I see the police take the drugs they look anything but serious

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