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Do the police take drugs in nightclubs seriously?

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I don't want to be around them. I want to meet nice girls in clubs not drug takers. I don't want to be tarred with the same brush as druggies just because I go into a club. I want a clear distinction between people like me who go clubbing to meet a potential partner and those whose idea of a good time is to get off their face on some substance or other.


I can't really be much clearer than that.

Why not? Have you had a previous bad experience involving someone who was on drugs?


How do you feel about drunk people? They're on a drug.


What business is it of yours what someone else does to themselves to feel good at the weekend?

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because they should not be there. It isn't me who is in the wrong it is them. There is nothing illegal about going to a club. Why should i saty in when it is they who are breaking the law?
Thats all they've done gone to a club just like you. They aren't harming you or affecting you in any way
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police take dealing seriously yes, but people just out having a good time and not getting into fights or causing criminal damage etc etc (like many who are drinking) then i'm sure the police have better things to do on a friday and saturday night. clubbers taking drugs are the least of the problems on a weekend!


Can you honestly say you have never once broken the law in any way, shape or form? I very much doubt this and if you have then clearly you should be locked up or something by your own standards. Its all about relativity.

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because they should not be there. It isn't me who is in the wrong it is them. There is nothing illegal about going to a club. Why should i saty in when it is they who are breaking the law?


And you wonder why you're still single! How many of those nice girls you talk about have had a couple of pills or a line of coke? Quite a few probably!


Sorry slim but it sounds like you are the one who should not be in these clubs. Most people go out to have a good time, not to stare at girls. You say you have not had any contact with 'druggies', don't know who they are, would not know if you had been in contact but still you have a massive problem with a massive percentage of people who may or may not have done something you know nothing about.


What happens if recreational drugs are legalised?

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because they should not be there.

What do you think of John Stuart Mill's "harm principle"?


That the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others. His own good, either physical or moral, is not sufficient warrant.


If a drug user is only hurting himself, what business is it of ours?

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My own view is that if clubs are constantly used by drug takers then that club should loose its licence. I can't belive that if magistrates were not more serious in enforcing this that club owners would suddenly discover they can do a lot more to combat drugs.


then you have never tried to run a club.


some people just have no idea what is involved in providing a safe environment for their customers. Have you tried catching the women that hide it in their underwear? the person that drops a pill whilst walking down the road n the way to their next venue? How do you control that... simply put, you cant! All a venue can do is ensure dealing isnt done and all patrons are safe, no matter what they have had,taken,drunk.


And you think its just clubs that have a drug issue? next time you are in your local...have a little look around you! Unfortunately drugs are a very huge part of the licensing trade and drugs will always be there.

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I don't want to be around them. I want to meet nice girls in clubs not drug takers. I don't want to be tarred with the same brush as druggies just because I go into a club. I want a clear distinction between people like me who go clubbing to meet a potential partner and those whose idea of a good time is to get off their face on some substance or other.


I can't really be much clearer than that.


If you had seperate clubs for people wanting to meet a potential partner, and those looking to escape the week by drinking their own body weight in alcohol (and / or other drug), I think I know which the busy club would be. And it wouldn't be the one with you in.


Very very few people actually go out to a nightclub with the intention of meeting a partner. The vast majority go out to have fun, and if they meet someone, then that's great, if they don't, oh well. If they get stared at / followed by the creepy old bloke in the corner all night who keeps muttering about how noisy it is, all the druggies which are in the building but hiding and why nobody ever comes home with him, then they have a bad night.


Seriously - you are not going to meet a partner in a nightclub - you're not confident enough in your own ability to do so, and are just looking for excuses, continuously, for years. Find a hobby which you (and girls) are interested in, and get involved.

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My own view is that if clubs are constantly used by drug takers then that club should loose its licence.


The irony being that the license exists in order that the proprietor can sell legal drugs!


If they have a license, most people will be using drugs (alcohol), and thus you won't want to be there.


If they lose their license, then there won't be any club, and you still can't go.


It's not looking good for Mr.Sid.

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I don't want to be around them. I want to meet nice girls in clubs not drug takers. I don't want to be tarred with the same brush as druggies just because I go into a club. I want a clear distinction between people like me who go clubbing to meet a potential partner and those whose idea of a good time is to get off their face on some substance or other.


I can't really be much clearer than that.


I think you could if you were honest with yourself Sid.


Try answering these questions honestly.


Have you ever knowingly been in the company of someone who's taken a drug other than alcohol?

How did you know?

What was so unpleasant about it?


I strongly suspect that you've got no idea and that your objections are all in your head and not based on anything other than an absurdly naive ''drugs are all bad - anyone who ver takes a drug is bad'' mentality.

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