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Do the police take drugs in nightclubs seriously?

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I still don't think you've made the point of how these people are ruining your night - if you don't even know who these people are. I don't know anyone who goes out to nightclubs to pull either. Maybe that's a lucky co-incidence some nights, but all the people I go out with are out because they want to get drunk, dance a bit and then probably go home and get a pizza. If you meet someone, great, if not, it's usually been a good night anyway.


That said, only one of my close 'circle of friends' takes drugs, most of us find it pretty pointless, but he does turn into a bit of a prat when he's been on coke.

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If you wish to go out and not meet druggies, then why are you choosing to go to places where you know there will be druggies?



Errmmm, maybe I should stop shopping in Tesco........


I stood at the check-out behind a well dressed guy in Tesco. On walking to my my car I passed the very same guy with his lighter and tin foil sat in his little sports car .......


I prefer Asda anyway .....


Happy weekend.

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According to some people on this forum drugs are emdemic in our nightclubs. Personally I have never experienced them at all but then my own clubbing experience is limited.


If drugs are so common in our clubs then why do the police not do more to catch the culprits? Surley it is possible to have one or two plain clothes officers in selected venues on a Friday/saturday night keeping an eye out. If they spot anything they can radio/call for re-enforcments and make some arrests.


I occasionally hear about police raids on clubs but these seem pretty few and far between.


Oh and before anyone says waht about tax payers money - yes it would cost a bit but then are not decent law abiding clubers also tax payers and do they not have the right to go for a night out in a drug free environment?


Your thoughts please. I would be especially interested to get replies from any police officers as to why the police do not devote more resources to this.


what about Festivals!! police are more than happy to let people off their face drive home, but clamp down on drink drivers?

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You contadict yourself almost immediately. If as you say there are loads of drugs in clubs then clearly the clubs are not very effective at dealing with the issue.


"The police have better things to do" - what than to catch criminals. I always assumed that is what they are supposed to do and what we pay them for.


What is my issue? I'll tell you - I want to be able to go out for a night out without being in the company of druggies if that is OK with you?


Oh and I never said more should not be done about binge drinking. I agree with you on that point that more should be done but this thread is about illegal drugs and why more is not done to deal with the problem.



so you dont go tot he local pub for a drink or 2?? what is alcohol? yes thats rights its a drug, the simple fact is currently the government makes money from beer, but makes NO money from ILLEGAL drugs


again you contradict yourself, you dont want to go to a club, were people are minding their won business talking drugs, but your happy to go to a pub??


you clearly don't have a decent grasp of life, therefore stay indoors before you hurt yourself


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Guest makapaka
Then should they arrest the bar staff who are serving alcohol to people who are drunk? Take everyones age inside the club and arrest the owners if theres someone under 18?


Theres little or no point arresting someone who is taking ecstacy or a speed or even a toot of coke. They aren't dealing, they aren't harming anyone, its pretty much a victimless crime and i'm pretty sure the police have got many more things they could be doing like arresating people who are drunk who are causing carnage in city centres and really are commiting serious crimes.


There may be drug related violence between gangs and criminals and dealers trying to make profit from it but I have never, ever in almost 20 years of clubbing seen anyone on ecstacy or cannibis or coke or speed glass someone and start a fight. I have witnessed plenty of drunks do this however. Should we ban alcohol?


But isn't the point that if there was no harmless end user, there wouldn't be a market for gangs / criminals / dealers etc who are willing to resort to violence.


Its not a victimless crime at all is it? Just because the end user doesn't commit a violent crime doesn't mean that the people supplying them are not.

Where do you think the harmless end user gets them from? Drug dealers.

Stop people taking drugs, stop drug dealers.


Easier said than done, but you can't say its alright for people to take drugs cos they don't hurt anyone, only the people supplying them do.

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But isn't the point that if there was no harmless end user, there wouldn't be a market for gangs / criminals / dealers etc who are willing to resort to violence.


Its not a victimless crime at all is it? Just because the end user doesn't commit a violent crime doesn't mean that the people supplying them are not.

Where do you think the harmless end user gets them from? Drug dealers.

Stop people taking drugs, stop drug dealers.


Easier said than done, but you can't say its alright for people to take drugs cos they don't hurt anyone, only the people supplying them do.

Did you not read where I said its pretty much a victimless crime? I deliberately said that to acknowledge that there are victims of the production and distribution of drugs. There are no victimless crimes. However the act of a person ingesting a substance to make them feel good results in no direct crime upon anyone from them
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Guest makapaka
Did you not read where I said its pretty much a victimless crime? I deliberately said that to acknowledge that there are victims of the production and distribution of drugs. There are no victimless crimes. However the act of a person ingesting a substance to make them feel good results in no direct crime upon anyone from them


But I can't see your argument?


Thats its ok to fund criminals by buying their goods providing when you buy the goods you don't hurt someone?


What is the difference between hurting someone directly or indirectly?

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