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Your Signature - Where did it originate from

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Right. How did you get your signature? This should be interesting.


I started when I was little and practiced writing my name again and again but then does everyone do this or was it just me? do you just get your signature from writing your name naturally or do you have to practice it (at the time when I was little I thought you had to practice it and come up with one)


I know some people just put a cross or a squiggle, my dad did a very complicated set of strokes which in no way represented his name but was very distinctive.


If I think about writing my signature now it goes all over the place! Can be a bit difficult when signing new bank cards!

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I was good at art at school and had a very leniant teacher.

I used to sit in the art room and draw, usualy practicing with different lead pencils and "squiggle" my "autograph".

I was such a confident lad then that I thought that I needed a signnature that looked cool as one day people would pay for it!!

TBH, it does look prettey cool, even now, and I would know if anybody else tried to copy it.

I do not know how many times I have written/signed it but it will most deffinitely be over 20,000 times.

(not because I am famous or successful though)

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