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One liners that make you think or smile

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If light travels faster than sound, is that why some people appear bright until they speak?:hihi:


Menopause, menstruation, mental illness- why do so many problems start with men? :hihi:


When the power of love overcomes the love of power, then the world will know peace. (Jimi Hendrix)


You were born as an original. Don't die as a copy.


Some of my favourites.

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"On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero."


"You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else."


"The things you own end up owning you."


Sorry I watched Fight Club last night :hihi:

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Many... from the mind of Peter Kay!


Some one says, "Happy as Larry", I think, "Who's Larry"


Some one says, "I wouldnt touch him with a ten foot barge pole", I think, "Where's he going to get a barge pole from"


Some one says, "Chips and gravy", I think, "Has thou nawt moist?"


Some one says, "Garlick bread", I think it back in my head in a slightly higher and squeekier voice...


Others include...


Some one says, "Edignburgh", I have to say "Edenborrow" in my head in an american accent... it is a must!


My OH always says, "Beat it" when I'm getting silly and over excited and everytime I start singing Beat It by Michael Jackson in my head...


As soppy ones, my grans one was "As long as your happy that's all that matters", that always makes me smile - helps keep my grounded sometimes that one does (which I think is needed after the snippets of my strange imagination that I have just shared!)x

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