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Barnsley - good place to live?

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hmmm not sure, think there was a stabbing there a while ago...but saying that..my sister lives in sheffield...a nice area, and she had some albanians living on her road, who it turns out the father had killed his wife...been messing around with his kids:rant: the dirty B*****d, and hes just been sent down for the rape of 4 women in sheffield...just goes to prove where ever you live there is always some sort of low life

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I worked with Barnsley people for about eight years. I found them to be honest, hard working and down to earth. They call a spade a spade and subsequently Barnsley has avoided many of the problems that other areas in S. Yorkshire have suffered. Barnsley still have a great sense of identity.

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Barnsley is an excellent place to live and there 's a rumour it may be ' World Culture City

2013 ' !

You will find that very few Barnsley men like supping beer until they can barely move. The pubs in the city centre on a Saturday night are quiet, civilised and OAP / child-friendly. A few young people sit around, drinking the odd glass of wine and discussing problems of Western philosophy.

Chamber Music and German Lieder dominate the music of Barnsley and thousands will turn out on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon for Poetry Readings. It is almost impossible to get into the local art galleries, such is the popular demand.....so....booking ahead is a ' must '.

There is an excellent, cheap train service to London and beyond and Barnsley is conveniently near other cultural centres, such as Sheffield, Rotherham and Doncaster. However midnight strolls by the canal can be just as exciting for those wishing to stay in Barnsley and explore it in depth.

Bon Vacance, Mes Amis !

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My daughter was born and brought up in Sheffield 5, but when she married she bought a house in Hoyland Common, because they were much cheaper than in Sheffield. She would never consider moving back, even if you paid her. She loves it there, her children go to Hoyland Primary School and they love it. It is a brilliant school and has many extra curricular activities which they join in.


My daughter says she lives in a community and she is right, she knows her neighbours, one of who is housebound so she pops round every day to see if she needs shopping and 3 days a week she cooks an extra evening meal and takes it round to her.


If they go away the neighbours watch the house and keep an eye on pets and things and she returns the favour. I on the other hand live in Sheffield and have lived in this house for 12 years and do not know my neighbours names. I can identify them by their screams and foul language at 2am most mornings, and next door she has 2 children I have only ever heard them referred to by bad language I don't know their proper names.


So yes go to Barnsley I certainly would if I had the chance.

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