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Can anyone stop you from seeing your baby?

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Hey, I have been following your thread :)


Can you nip to your docs in the morning and explain the situation to him and get him to scribble a quick note down to say everything with your health is ok. My doctor would definately do that if I explained what you have been going through!!

That way you can take the note straight to the hospital and they will definately then let you in :)

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you need to think of your little girl, and you, as her mum knows what is best for her. good luck and best wishes to you and your little girl xx

Bold. Much as I'd like/ and normally perhaps agree with this, in this case I don't. This post by Strix seems calm, collected and extremely reasonable. Though I agree with the rest of the [unbolded] sentiments.

'being there for her' really isn't an issue at this age. She won't hurt that you're not there, and she won't remember you weren't


I had to hold my little H down by both shoulders on Monday whilst they made a second round of attempts at getting a canula in. The indignant screams were unbearable. I was of no comfort to her, and I wonder if it would have been easier for her for me not to have been part of it


I know it's hard for you, but try to make this decision from a practical stance. Be strong for her *hugs*


All the best to your daughter BethsMum. :)

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Can they do this? can they really stop a mother from seeing her seriously ill baby because the atmosphere in the ward made me cough. I'm so distraught. The nurse was so condescending and exclaimed if I cough tomorrow I won't be allowed on. Can they legally stop me from seeing her. I actually hurt inside.


I guess a hospital is private property, so they can allow access to whoever they like. If members of the public had unconditional access you can imagine all sorts taking up residence in there!


As well as your child the nurses have to consider their other patients too, who if young children awaiting/recovering from operations will all be vulnerable healthwise.


Hospitals are already under the cosh for cleanliness and hygiene, MRSA has affected many people, so it's probably understandable that the nursing staff are sensitive about such things, as well as other parents who might be concerned about someone coughing around their sick children.


Hope all goes well with your daughter, thankfully at that age she won't remember you not being there all the time :)

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'being there for her' really isn't an issue at this age. She won't hurt that you're not there, and she won't remember you weren't


totally agree with this and you need to assess whether you are really going there for her or for you, as much as it might hurt.


as said previously get the docs note and then end of problem. if you are confident nothing is wrong then it shouldnt be an issue whatsoever to get this.


hope you and daughter are both ok

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They are stopping you for your daughters benefit though. Such tiny babies are susceptible to allsorts.


And of course all the other babies on the ward. I can understand you must be upset, but try to see it from other parents point of view. If another parent was coughing near your baby you might not be too pleased!


Try what the other posters have said and ask for a doctors note to confirm you aren't contagious.

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Here goes. My daughter, who's 17 weeks old and never been home from hospital, Is due an operation tomorrow.


On Saturday I started with a monster cold and had to not visit her so as to not pass it on. Its nearly killed me not seeing her. I can't begin to put into words how horrible it has made me feel. Worrying about her and not being able to hold her or even see her.


However today, with all the symptoms gone except for a slightly horse voice, I've visited her for the first time in 5 days. The ward is kept really warm for the babies and after a while the dry heat began to tickle my throat and I had a little coughing fit.


Soon after as I was leaving the nurse told me I shouldn't be there with a bad cold and if she tells the sister they won't let me go on the ward tomorrow.


Its made me feel so terrible. The thought of not being there to stroke her and comfort her after such a big op is unbearable. My heart is broken.


I'm sure the cold is gone, Its purely the heat in the ward which tickled my throat.


why take the risk? listen to the experts

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It went brill thankyou strix. She went to theatre at 9am and was back by 11.30am Everything went as surgeon expected and because they found the unused end of her bowel quite quickly they only had to make a small incision. While she was in surgery I popped to the GP and had another check over where she diagnosed hayfever and gave me antihistimines. So I got to see her. she was proper zonked on morphine. when her eyes were open her little pupils were like saucers.

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