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Docked tails on dogs

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It is illegal to dock tails on non-working dogs, not to purchase a dog with a docked tail


docking must be carried out by a vet, not with an elastic band or any other method by the breeder, and the vet must be satisfied of the intention to work


Report the 'breeder'/scumbag to the rspca cruelty hotline - number on their website

(and don't be put off vaccinating - parvo is one heck of a nasty killer)

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nothing to do with looks - go find the threads from last week about a dog belonging to a member on here who has had multiple ops on a broken tail which just won't heal


docked breeds were docked for a reason


JRT tails were docked to avoid their quarry biting them, but the formula for their length left is enough to grab hold of to pull them from a set or warren. Most dogs can't reverse easily


Spaniels are a particular victim of the docking ban - even the pets easily break theirs

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i onlt realised my springer had a quarter of her tail docked when i compared her tail with a friends springer, she still has her dew claws and shes been to the vet a few times for check ups and he's never said anything to me about the tail docking, at the end of the day it was done before you got the dog so its not your fault and there was nothing you could have done.

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