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Children screaming, is this right?

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Hmm, when you say left outside...is there any interaction from parents throughout the day, are they fed, is there shade from the heat? Im not saying the noise is not an issue, but the welfare of the children would be my first concern.

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There`s nowt worse than screaming kids full stop , but how you put up with it for that amount of time is beyond belief. you deserve a medal . you must have the patience of a saint .


I know i couldnt put up with that - i would have snapped after 10 minutes .


Report them ASAP , as no one should have to put up with that sort of anti social behaviour .

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i would also report them, sounds like they are just shoved out to play to entertain themselfs, yeah sure kids play and scream and make noise but not every minute of every day to the extent your describing.


when my kids get back from school of simular age, they eat thier tea and chill infront of the telly for an hour, god help anyone that distracts them whilst watching power rangers :hihi:

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When you say the kids get left outside do you mean they get dumped outside and then aren't allowed back in or are they allowed to go in and out of there own free will but told to play outside?


On the one hand this could be neglect but on the other hand if they are allowed back into the house for say food, water and if it chucks it down then it could be that the parents just want them to go out and play instead of sitting on their backsides playing computer games all day.


There are several parents on my street who just shout at their kids through the window if they need them for anything and some of these parents are shouting out of the windows of flats so pretty much the whole neighbourhood hears them.


If you are really concerned though I would advise the same as others on this thread and call social services to see what advice they can give, they will probably call round to see them if they think the children are at risk.

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Yes they are allowed to do this.


Having children, and then those children playing, is part of their normal enjoyment of their property.


And long let it remain so.


I see you haven't bothered to read my post correctly!


Thanks for the advice guys.


To the lady who asked about their welfare, they get fed as their mother shouts 'your teas ready' for everyone to hear. They arn't scruffy looking kids so they do get clothed and fed etc...they are just left to go mad on the garden whilst the parents shut the back door and go inside.

These arn't the type of people to make use of Sheffield's free parks and events, they could go upto the park (which is one of Sheffield's biggest and oldest) to run around in the fresh air until they fall asleep!


Shame one family spoil it for the rest! I'll have a think about what would be best. We are away a lot so this might be the answer for us, not sure about the old dears living nearby though! I know others are at the end of their tether with this as there is a couple who live on the other side to me have their own business and the guy is around sometimes in the day, he said the noise is all day when they are off school.

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