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Children screaming, is this right?

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I think you should feel sorry for the children first (and act upon your suspisions) and then feel sorry for yourself at a later date, this is the reason people grow up making other peoples lives miserable because no one taught them any different from the onset, this is probably anti social, but being put out in the yard to fend for yourself from dusk til dawn is neglectful and illegal, and the children have no option but to live the way their parents decide... My kids incidently are out fairly frequently playing in our garden and I wouldnt for one minuite dream of asking them to stop expressing themselves however loud it got, unless it was none stop and unsociable hrs etc, they do have to make a noise we cant supress every aspect of them in a climate when we already supress so much in comparison to the freedom we can recall having as children... I know of a man who moved off this street as he couldnt stand the sound of the ball bouncing from some of the local kids....All the best to him finding the sort of silence he requires, and roll on the day he remembers his own childhood... I understand that this has got to be very annoying (trust me iv got 3 little duckilings that can be louder than bombs i feel what ur ear drum feels too) but if the way you describe the whole thing is accurate then those screaming annoying under 7s are not being looked after in the correct manner, at that age they are still babies and im not suprised they are so loud, after all they are self taught, they know no different, child protection agencies work with families to save them, some people just need educating on the rights and wrongs and jobs a good un, others are a serious hazard to the well being of the children they are in charge of and without reporting this, no one will ever know.. I hope you get it sorted for their own good and your personal right to feel content in your own home/garden x

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I am getting pretty fed up of it, I understand children make noise and I am not disputing this, however they scream and shout at an unacceptable level. We cannot sit in the garden or have the windows open so have bought an air con unit. I would like to have my parents over for a bbq but feel it would be ruined but the kids.


No point in talking to the parents as they shout and swear at the kids so they won't take a blind bit of notice if I was to ask them to keep their kids quieter. I hear them in their house even with their windows closed, the mother threatens them and shouts at them then smacks them. I really don't mind usual children playing noises but this is just parents not caring about what their kids do or anyone else.


I've got the opposite problem. One of our neighbour's kid makes hardly any noise, but the Dad shouts at him like a dog! What an utter tosser! I despise people like that. It's not too common, thankfully (either that or they are visiting neighbours). Poor little mite. :(

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I've got the opposite problem. One of our neighbour's kid makes hardly any noise, but the Dad shouts at him like a dog! What an utter tosser! I despise people like that. It's not too common, thankfully (either that or they are visiting neighbours). Poor little mite. :(


It's not right how people are allowed to treat children in certain ways.

All these kids being born to people who don't cherish them! It isn't right.


Thanks guys for the sound advice and views.

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I've got the opposite problem. One of our neighbour's kid makes hardly any noise, but the Dad shouts at him like a dog! What an utter tosser! I despise people like that. It's not too common, thankfully (either that or they are visiting neighbours). Poor little mite. :(


Have you done anything about it?

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Have you done anything about it?


As I said, it doesn't seem common, so I'm not sure if they are visiting or live there. What would you expect me to do uk?


If you are implying that I should report them, then should I report every parent that shouts in a nasty way at there kids? My god, my 600 monthly minutes wouldn't be anywhere near enough if I spent a few hours a day in town and reported everyone!

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There`s nowt worse than screaming kids full stop , but how you put up with it for that amount of time is beyond belief. you deserve a medal . you must have the patience of a saint .


I know i couldnt put up with that - i would have snapped after 10 minutes .


Report them ASAP , as no one should have to put up with that sort of anti social behaviour .


yeah that the way to do slap an anti social behaviour order on the kids for probably being bored out of their heads and playing outside!! great advise!! its summer time and their outside playing!! i have 2 boys and they would be out every minute of the day if they could making loads of noise playing football, wrestling and just being kids!! by all means if the parents/family is causing a nusience or you really feel the parents are mistreating them report it but please not just because the kids are making a racket...anyway it will be winter again soon!

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It's summer, they are kids and it's obviously affecting you but just MTFU and have a gentle word. Don't expect social services to do your dirty work at our expense.


In fact don't let SF do it either. The opinions here are just that, opinions, and opinions are like backsides - everyone has one. For all we know it might be you that's sensitive rather than a case for taking peoples kids away because they are loud / no shade / chastised / whatever.

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Sounds a bit like my neighbours, but they are not as bad.

Their children aren't shut outside, but I hear them screaming thought the wall sometimes, and when they start its continual. I would not let my kids scream nonstop like that, it would get on own my nerves, not to mention the neighbours.

They also shout and swear at the children a lot, what kind of example are they setting? I would not even treat my dog like that. Sometimes I speak loudly to him when he's being ignorant, but thats all.

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