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Children screaming, is this right?

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I've got a similar problem where I live. There is a family of, lets be honest "chavs" who leave their five, yes five or so kids outside, pretty much every hour they're awake. From my house, with the windows shut I can always hear the bloody kids shounting and screaming for no reason, young chavs in the making if you ask me. They're only 7, 8 or 9 and they're always running around, breaking branches off trees, leaving litter around and bullying other little kids, whilst their so-called "parents" sit inside and do god knows what. It's not fair on other residents, most of the people who live here are elderly and so can't do that much about it. Just a few weeks ago, a young woman who lives here with her two young children was beaten up by the "chavs" because she told them off for leaving their kids out. Absolutely outageous! They've been cautioned by the police more than enough times and if they cause anymore bother, they're out! Good riddance!

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