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Most embarrassing moment!

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How many of you would like to share your most embarrassing moment with us, I have had a few, like getting my butt whipped in the pub(on two seperate occasions) by semi naked females, but my most embarrassing moment has to be when I visited the dentist about 10 years ago. I had just moved house and it was my first visit to my new dentist, it was a dark winter evening and my wife dropped me off outside the dentist surgery, I went up the drive into the dentist and told the receptionist my name and she told me to sit in the waiting room. Ten minutes later the receptionist called my name and told me to go up the stairs and through the green door, so I did, to be greeted by the dentist and his assistant.'Take a seat', the dentist said, so I proceeded to settle myself in the dentist chair, like you do, and as I raised my right foot on to the chair to finally settle I noticed a lump of dog s**t the size of a cow pat stuck to my shoe. Have you ever noticed how you don't smell it until you see it...well I thought I better mention it before the dentist or his assistant noticed it...'Oh never....what's that ?' I proclaimed, while staring at my foot, 'Oh dear', said the dentist, 'yeuhhh', said his assistant as she scrambled for some tissues and proceeded to hand them to me so I could remove the foul deposit....I apologised profusely and muttered my contempt....I must have trod in it as I got out of the car and never noticed it as I sat in the waiting room....very embarrassing !

Well that's mine whats yours ?

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I was once waving goodbye to a friend, then I turned round and walked into a lamp post. It wouldn't have been so bad, were it not for the queue of people watching me at the bus stop opposite. I also once tripped over and ended up flat on my face, on Trippet Lane of all places.

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  • 8 months later...

Heres mine:


I'd just been to the girlfriends house and had a very large meal with her parents. Trying to impress them by talking about all sorts of different things. The meal was very filling and I could soon feel the gases brewing in my stomach waiting to be let out so I kindly left the table pretending to want some fresh air.


She told me she'd join me in a sec and so I casually walked to the end of the drive towards my car, there was a small wall that curved around the end of the drive so I was out of view. As soon as i got around it I let it rip! and it wasn't a shorty either it went on like an orchestra for at least a good 30 seconds.


Feeling much better, I walked back around to find her parents in stitches and her red faced!! they had all followed me down there for FRESH AIR! :o

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Mine is also a fart moment!!


A few years ago I worked as a playworker at a school holiday playcare scheme. One of the games we played was "duck, duck. goose" where you all sit in a circle and one person walks round tapping each in turn on the head. If they say 'duck' you stay put but if they say 'goose' you get up and chase the person round the circle to try and get back to your place before they do.


I was sat in the circle and the person who was 'on' tapped my head and shouted 'goose'. As I jumped up to chase them I let out the most almighty fart you have ever heard!! I have never been so embarrassed in my life as kids can be sooooooo cruel!!


Even now, if I see any of them, they still take great delight in reminding me of my massive fart!!

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Originally posted by FetishFairy

Mine is also a fart moment!!


A few years ago I worked as a playworker at a school holiday playcare scheme. One of the games we played was "duck, duck. goose" where you all sit in a circle and one person walks round tapping each in turn on the head. If they say 'duck' you stay put but if they say 'goose' you get up and chase the person round the circle to try and get back to your place before they do.


I was sat in the circle and the person who was 'on' tapped my head and shouted 'goose'. As I jumped up to chase them I let out the most almighty fart you have ever heard!! I have never been so embarrassed in my life as kids can be sooooooo cruel!!


Even now, if I see any of them, they still take great delight in reminding me of my massive fart!!


:P Ha Ha Ha! Nice one Fetish! did you catch the kid before he got around the circle?... with your Nitro power!.

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Okay this is my moment..


There was a girl I was mad on at college and, seeing as how the Granville College Christmas do was approaching at Steeleys, I plucked up courage to ask her. Typically she was none commital and said that she'd see.

I was playing 5-A-Side in the college gym when she appeared at the door. At an appropriate moment she dashed accross and put a piece of paper with her phone number down my sock! My chest puffed out and I played the rest of the game like Peter Shilton.

It took me a couple of days to pluck up courage but, while babysitting at my sisters house, i took the plunge and called her. She answered and arkwardly I said "look I really like you and I'd love it if you'd come to Steeleys with me".. she was just about to answer me when I turned around to see that my baby nephew had followed me into the hall with no nappy on and laid the biggest elephant poo you've ever seen on the carpet! As he made to prod it I quickly had to stutter " look I'll ring you back only the baby's pooed on the carpet!" - stunned silence - "I'll speak to you at college sometime" she says and puts the phone down.. denied.

So, as if that wasn't bad enough for a 17 year old, I went to the Christmas do at Steeleys anyway. I sat in a corner boozing as per, when who should I see but the girl of my dreams.. with another bloke! She saw me and signalled that she'd be over in a minute. A while later she came over and put her arm around me " look, don't get bladdered on my behalf" she says " I really like you too but I was going to tell you that I already go out with someone - and then you told me about your baby". Then she says, "lets have a dance because he's gone on somewhere else". Bingo! I was in with a shout!.. went out to the dance floor and what comes on? 'Don't stop the cavalry' by Jonah Louie!!!! the most twee, bob-up-and-downy, christmassy parping record ever. So we had this arkward sort of square dance and that was it!

Well, I've often said to that pooing baby, now a strapping 24 year old, that his mistimed nappy full changed the course of my life LOL

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Funny how peoples embarassing moments revolve around girlfriends/boyfriends and people and they fancy?


Mine involved being given chili vodka to drink, vomit and eating a birthday cake and advent calender which, wasnt mine ooops. I then spent two days off sixth form due to bruised ribs from vomiting too much (nice) and the shame of my behaviour

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