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Most embarrassing moment!

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I was driving past the botanical gardens a couple of months back and saw my mate coming towards me in his van. We'd just been speaking on the phone and I thought it a coincidence that we were on the same road, going different ways.


As he approached we ended up coming to a stop in the usual spot by Ant marketting where the traffic struggles to get through. I shouted "Nobhead" at him to make him jump, pretending to be an angry driver. This is when the embarrasment happened, it wasn't his van and a person who I'd never seen before stuck his head out of the window and said "you what?" to which I quickly replied, "I'm sorry, I thought you were one of my mates". He didn't see the funny side though and replied "Do you have many mates called Nobhead" at which point the traffic had cleared and my foot hit the accelerator :D


It amused my mate just after the event when I called him again and found he wasn't even in Sheffield.


Looking back it's funny, but at the time it was seriously embarrasing.

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I have far to many embarassing stories to choose, but the most recent was last saturday; being my first day shift at a new job.


First of all I have a bladder infection so turn up and have to expalin to the saturday manager who I've neverr met that I would really appreciate it if he could find some cover for me, as I needed to wee every ten minutes.


Whilst waiting for my cover to arrive I helpfully put the dirty tins through the wash machine before I put them out as they were on the wash rack. After they'd been through the wash I picked up the olive tin, only for ALL the olives to fall out the bottom, looking confused I ask my boss, ' I guess thats not emant to happen', he looked at me, shook his head asked 'you washed those didn't you' at exactly this moment it dawned on me how this had happened, the okives (and the pnieapple for that matter) were draining over the sink!


I think it'll be a while before I'm promoted.



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I was driving past the botanical gardens a couple of months back and saw my mate coming towards me in his van. We'd just been speaking on the phone and I thought it a coincidence that we were on the same road, going different ways.


As he approached we ended up coming to a stop in the usual spot by Ant marketting where the traffic struggles to get through. I shouted "Nobhead" at him to make him jump, pretending to be an angry driver. This is when the embarrasment happened, it wasn't his van and a person who I'd never seen before stuck his head out of the window and said "you what?" to which I quickly replied, "I'm sorry, I thought you were one of my mates". He didn't see the funny side though and replied "Do you have many mates called Nobhead" at which point the traffic had cleared and my foot hit the accelerator :D


It amused my mate just after the event when I called him again and found he wasn't even in Sheffield.


Looking back it's funny, but at the time it was seriously embarrasing.

Oh I have tear's rolling down my cheeks :D

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Right i will fess mine up .. I was 15 n fancied my mums mates son who was a few years older than me .. my mum woke me too ask me if i wanted too tag on n go visit her friend so of course jumped at the chance too see her son .. I jumped outta bed n threw yesterdays clothes on .. when we arrived he was there and was sat on the floor side of my feet .. i was sat legs crossed n like shaking mi legs with nerves when he said .. erm whats that .. was only yesterdays knickers that had been stuck in my jeans n shook their way down !!! i never went out with him n i wonder why !!!

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I have posted this embarresmant on a thread before but here goes.


When I was 16 years old & still at school (many moons ago) me & my school friend use to get dressed to the nines & hang about town making out that we were between pubs. Never going in them coz we were too young to have the money to buy half a lager & black.

Anyway this one day we were crossing over the road towards the complete angler (as it was known then) & were in the middle of the island when the most gorgeous blokes said to us " excuse me love have you dropped a fiver" looking behind us on the floor & towards these gorgeous fellas was a lovely crisp £5 note. More money than I'd ever had or my friend. Anyway we had a few seconds where we were nudging each other saying go on you say it. After pretending to look in my empty purse I eventually said in my most grown up voice " Yes thanks love" & I turned round & bent don to pick it up (after all it would've got us drunk in the town pubs for a week, ok slight exageration).

You never believed what happened next?

As soon as I bent down to pick it up the fiver went flying into the air & then landed into one of the fellas hands.

It was all a trick.

They had the fiver tied to a piece of fishing wire.

I could have died, I wanted the ground to swallow me up!

If you're out there, you who did this mean trick I am after you, you had such a profound effect on me.

But you knw what, wish I'd thought of it.

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OK here goes...


I was 19 years old and in Amsterdam with a mate of mine for a weekend. I have to confess to you that we had been sampling the local horticultural products :hihi: as it is important to the story.


Walking through the Leidseplein on a saturday eveing in summer, the square was very busy with lots of people sat outside cafes and the like. There were streete entertainers all over the place, including one guy dressed as a jester who was selling flowers and being quite pushy with people and because of this he had quite an audience watching his antics. As my mate and me walked past, he approcahed me asking if I wanted to buy a flower. I said no and tried to walk on but he wouldn't take no for an answer. He was walking alongside me saying things like "Go on! You must have someone you want to buy a flower for". His little audience were cheering for him and trying to urge me to buy one as well but I kept trying to walk on. Finally, he grabbed a red rose from his bucket and pushed it towards me to try and get me to buy it. As he did this, my arm caught his and knocked the rose out of his hand and on to the ground. Then, completely accidentally, as I tried to walk on (my mate was long gone and was on the other side of the square - git!) I trod on the rose as it fell to the ground. The jester wasn't happy, but the worst bit about it was that the small crowd of people that had been geeing him on were now booing me because they thought I had done it deliberately.


I really could have died. The fact that I was "under the influence" really didn't help matters at all, and my mate didn't stop laughing for the rest of the night.

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ok, maybe not so embarrassing for me as i was apparantly only just 3 at the time but i think it's a good story...


Shopping in Boots and my mum was pushing me in the buggy, she was having trouble navigating the aisles because i was wriggling and squirming about and obstructing the wheels, eventually, fed up, my mum asked what was wrong. In my loudest voice, in the middle of Boots i apparantly announced that.....

'My knickers are up the crack in my bum!'....


Everyone one of my mates who ever met my mum has heard this story...

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I went to watch my mates football team and was enjoying the game when the ball was overhit and coming over the touchline. I saw this and as it come over I trapped the ball on my chest then as the player nearest was coming to take the throw in I just let it hit my knee then hit my instep and it went straight into his hands. I was feeling quite impressed with my bit of skill and then I took a couple of steps back and fell over the practice ball and physios bag. Cue laughter all around the pitch

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The most embarrasing part of my story is probably where it happened but hey ho here goes.


I was in club WOW with a load of mates having a pretty good time but I was slightly worse for wear due to the amount of Turbo Diesel (Cider, Lager, Pernod and blackcurrent) I had consumed. I had a massive crush on a couple of girls who where in club WOW but I was struggling to find them, and being the 17 year old drunk virgin I was, I was on the PULL! I eventually saw the girls in question at the bottom of a flight of stairs near some Bandits and arcade machines they where in a group of about 15 to 20 girls and a couple of lads there was also a few other people around who I didnt know. Anyway to cut a long story short I pretended to sit on the Banister in the middle of the stairs and mimicked to slide forward, when one of the girls I liked saw me and decided to egg me on, then like a mexican wave everyone else who was at the bottom of the stairs started egging me on. The drunken devil inside me said go on its easy its only about 10 meters on a slight decline and you will be a hero amongst men. So off I went down the banister like a bat out of hell when a bout of dizziness kicked in and I bobbled forward then backwards and forwards again then off I went I swung all the way around under the banister smacked my head on a step and tumbled down the remaining stairs landing at the feet of the young ladies. I recieved a standing ovation for my effort and that along with the alcohol dulled my pain, that is until the next morning when I got up in agony and peeing blood the doctor informed me I was slightly concused had fractured a rib and was very lucky not to have ruptured my kidney when I landed.


I still say it was worth it.

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