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Most embarrassing moment!

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last weekend, went out drinkin with my dads gf's daughters and their m8, i came home and her mum had locked the door, so i knocked on the door for ages, and i really really needed the loo, so i ...... erm........i.......wee weed on her doorstep!!!!!!!! OMG hooooooooow embarrasin? lmao

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yes...how er ummm Ladylike.... :gag:


Originally posted by MissGobby

last weekend, went out drinkin with my dads gf's daughters and their m8, i came home and her mum had locked the door, so i knocked on the door for ages, and i really really needed the loo, so i ...... erm........i.......wee weed on her doorstep!!!!!!!! OMG hooooooooow embarrasin? lmao

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Originally posted by ccellis

3 This one's about the mother-in-law to be (maybe). She was at a party darn sarf in a big posh house and was mingling away - she does that very well, proper mingler she is - and she got chatting with this chubby gentleman. When all the cogs had finished turning, she looked back at this gentleman and stated, "You look like a fat version of Boy George!" To which he replied, "I AM Boy George!" and then ran off screaming like the fat talentless girl that he is.


Total and utter class. You need to make her your actual mother-in-law as soon as possible! Next time she sees George she could try my own mother's theory on him about gayness and the preponderance thereof. "There are so many gays around nowadays it's really boring," she once declared. "I blame the pill." Which obviously had us slower thinkers a tad stumped, so she explained. "Well all the women from the 1960s were on the pill," she said. "So they were weeing the hormones into the water systems. We all drink water and now everybody's gay. Simple."


Bless 'er. I can't help wondering if British reservoirs are brimful with schools of fish which are all really good with colours.

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Okay everyone its the most miserable day of the year so far as weather is concerned so lets chear ourselves up....


What is the most embarasing/funniest thing that has ever happened to you.....


Mine was...


I was about eight year old ( and scared for life I must add) and I was playing with great dane dog and had its soft toy in one of my hands. I looked away for a couple of minutes to talk to someone and felt a warm patch down the front of my dress.... yip, you guessed it the dog had wee'd on me to all my family and friends amusment.


.......... so can anyone top this?

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In response to ccelis's "Mums just died" comment. Some years back I was working in door to door sales. Walking down the drive I saw this young lad with his hair shaved so there was only hair on top (this was a trend, but this shave seemed a little higher than most), I calls out "Hey, thats a right hair cut init", his reply was "Yeah, and I got it for nowt". His Mother then explained that he had had a brain tumor removed and they had shaved it all round to match it up...


And for Dawny1's Baby Monitor: Mate, his gf and their baby daughter where living at her parents (practically in the one bedroom). Her Father is known to be a **bit** tight with the pennies. One very cold day they where in the bedroom and he was having a bit of a rant to his girlfriend saying things like "get down stairs and tell the tight a**e father of yours to get the bl**dy fire on. Its freezing and we've got a baby here" with a few extra rants and curses thrown in for good measure. They waited a few minutes whilst he calmed down then decided they would both go down and explain to her father that it was too cold for the baby. The walked into the living room to find her father making the coal fire up. Her mother explained by nodding towards the baby monitor that was about 2 foot away from her dads chair..... :D

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when my husband and i bought our first house, my mum and my in laws were helping us decorate. My mum was stripping some wallpaper off and remarked "how could anyone have such disgusting paper on their walls, they must have a sense of humour". Unbeknown to my mother, my in-laws happened to have the same wallpaper in their house!

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During a prolonged period of rain, my mother was talking to a couple from up the road and said that if it carries on much longer, we'll all need webbed feet. After an embarrassed silence it transpired that the woman concerned was one of the small percentage of the population who are born with webbing between their toes...

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  • 1 month later...

Dare you tell your most embarrasing moment on here.


Here goes mine.

When I was 16 years old, still at school, no money.

My friend & I use to go to town & pretend we were older having a good time in the pubs.

We just walked through town.

One evening a group of sexy lads stopped us as they passed us & said "excuse me love, have you just dropped that tenner"?

Looking behind us we saw a nice crisp tenner (this was 1983, a lot of money then).

My friend & I nudged each other, encouraged each other to say something.

So trying to be all sophisticated I said while pretending to check my purse"Oh yes , I have, thankyou".

I then reached down to pick the tenner up & guess what?

The tenner flew up into the air & into the hands of one of the sexy lads.

It was a trick, it was attached to a piece of fishing wire.

I wanted to die, I couldn't escape quick enough.

If it was you who did this to me, it was good, wish I could think of something original like that but I will never look back again.




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