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Over protective, over cautious parents or just real?

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:help:Recently on this forum that we all turn to during times of news blackouts such as the Blackstock rd armed siege etc etc I have noticed that if a parent/carer dares mention anything regarding the worry of pedaphiles or asks if anyone knows anything regarding an incident, that there are a multitude of people who go insane by the question, they frequently argue the police would never hide such an incident from the public bla bla bla........


:rant:If you check out BBC news (LEEDS??????) you will see that it has recently been reported that a pedaphile has been on the run since the 16th of June, after failing to appear in court and was convicted in his absence.


It is now Monday the 12th of July and we the public, the over protective parents:roll: were informed this weekend.:suspect:


I have used paragraphs to try and fend off the grammer police:)

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:help:Recently on this forum that we all turn to during times of news blackouts such as the Blackstock rd armed siege etc etc I have noticed that if a parent/carer dares mention anything regarding the worry of pedaphiles or asks if anyone knows anything regarding an incident, that there are a multitude of people who go insane by the question, they frequently argue the police would never hide such an incident from the public bla bla bla........


:rant:If you check out BBC news (LEEDS??????) you will see that it has recently been reported that a pedaphile has been on the run since the 16th of June, after failing to appear in court and was convicted in his absence.


It is now Monday the 12th of July and we the public, the over protective parents:roll: were informed this weekend.:suspect:


I have used paragraphs to try and fend off the grammer police:)



You must have done that just to make my stomache hurt!:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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:help:Recently on this forum that we all turn to during times of news blackouts such as the Blackstock rd armed siege etc etc I have noticed that if a parent/carer dares mention anything regarding the worry of pedaphiles or asks if anyone knows anything regarding an incident, that there are a multitude of people who go insane by the question, they frequently argue the police would never hide such an incident from the public bla bla bla........


:rant:If you check out BBC news (LEEDS??????) you will see that it has recently been reported that a pedaphile has been on the run since the 16th of June, after failing to appear in court and was convicted in his absence.


It is now Monday the 12th of July and we the public, the over protective parents:roll: were informed this weekend.:suspect:


I have used paragraphs to try and fend off the grammer police:)


There are tens if not hundreds of criminals on the run all the time.


Would you like the police to notify you personally of each one?


What good would it do? Probably scare you out of leaving your house!


"Provisional figures for 2009 show that more than 400 criminals who should have been returned to jail are on the run. Of the 612 criminals still missing by June last year but not yet in jail, 99 were convicted originally of violent crimes. That includes 32 convicted of causing grievous bodily harm, 19 murderers and 3 with offences for assaulting police officers. Twenty-six were sexual offenders, including 5 paedophiles, 8 with indecent assault records and 12 rapists. The remainder include 72 robbers, 60 burglars and 122 with drug offences". (Ministry of Justice)

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:help:Recently on this forum that we all turn to during times of news blackouts such as the Blackstock rd armed siege etc etc I have noticed that if a parent/carer dares mention anything regarding the worry of pedaphiles or asks if anyone knows anything regarding an incident, that there are a multitude of people who go insane by the question, they frequently argue the police would never hide such an incident from the public bla bla bla........


:rant:If you check out BBC news (LEEDS??????) you will see that it has recently been reported that a pedaphile has been on the run since the 16th of June, after failing to appear in court and was convicted in his absence.


Recently reported by the BBC, not the police. The information was never hidden by the police, what happens in court is a matter of public record. For whatever reason the media decided not to report it, not the police.


It is now Monday the 12th of July and we the public, the over protective parents:roll: were informed this weekend.:suspect:


Maybe the police have been made aware of a threat that has just emerged. Unfortunately unless you're the one investigating the case then everything else is just guesswork. There may have been a perfectly good reason why the police chose not to inform you until now.


Obviously, I'm guessing now so not much help.


I have used paragraphs to try and fend off the grammer police:)


Quite right.. good show.

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How does knowing there's one more paedophile on the streets make a difference anyway?

There are almost certainly paedophiles living in the same neighbourhood as the OP.


Truthwillout, how will knowing that this bloke is in prison actually change the way you behave?

Will you do things any differently?

Not let your children leave the house?

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So in other words, its now correct that the police dont tell us information we want to know? (until 3 wks later?) where as in the other threads with regards to such matters, people seemed to be saying that this would never happen and we the public would be made aware as soon there was any kind of danger.


Uk student, I would just like to be made aware of anything that affects me in my area as soon as possible, not after begging the local primary school to leak something, anything as long as its true, there are alot of parents complaining about the lack of letters sent out when real incidents have happened, this is the kind of info I want, in order for the schools to give it, the police have to give it them first. As for anything like the pedaphile on the run incident mentioned above, No I would not ever want the police to tell me personally of every single one, Iv got enough on with the problems in my local area im not crimewatch, as for it scaring me out of my home, this would only happen if I felt I was in danger on a personal level, wanting to know if a pedaphile on the run for a crime commited in Leeds who has links with north yorkshire, although local, would not scare me out of my home, It would scare me if the police claimed they never kept anything from the public and then it turned out they did...


Magilla, the police didnt inform me, I saw it on the news.

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So in other words, its now correct that the police dont tell us information we want to know? (until 3 wks later?) where as in the other threads with regards to such matters, people seemed to be saying that this would never happen and we the public would be made aware as soon there was any kind of danger.


Uk student, I would just like to be made aware of anything that affects me in my area as soon as possible, not after begging the local primary school to leak something, anything as long as its true, there are alot of parents complaining about the lack of letters sent out when real incidents have happened, this is the kind of info I want, in order for the schools to give it, the police have to give it them first. As for anything like the pedaphile on the run incident mentioned above, No I would not ever want the police to tell me personally of every single one, Iv got enough on with the problems in my local area im not crimewatch, as for it scaring me out of my home, this would only happen if I felt I was in danger on a personal level, wanting to know if a pedaphile on the run for a crime commited in Leeds who has links with north yorkshire, although local, would not scare me out of my home, It would scare me if the police claimed they never kept anything from the public and then it turned out they did...


Magilla, the police didnt inform me, I saw it on the news.

Your point is a bit confusing.


Are you saying that you should be told if there is a (convicted?) paedophile living near you?


Or are you saying that there is one on the run in Leeds and you should know?


Or are you saying that there is one on the run that the police know is living round the corner and that they somehow aren't taking him / her away?

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How does knowing there's one more paedophile on the streets make a difference anyway?

There are almost certainly paedophiles living in the same neighbourhood as the OP.


Truthwillout, how will knowing that this bloke is in prison actually change the way you behave?

Will you do things any differently?

Not let your children leave the house?

It makes a difference because its one more sexual predator behind bars, I have absalutly no doubt what so ever that there are pedaphiles in the area I live now, the one before and even the one i grew up in, I am not delusional about how severe this issue is. I was under the impression that if you commit such a serious crime, then you go to prison for it, (if you get caught) as this man was caught, id feel much much better knowing he was where he belongs, I dont think thats such a bad thing. As for my kids not being allowed out of the house, they are allowed out of the house....just :|


Anyway all im interested in is weather or not the police do or dont report serious issues such as this, some threads claim they wouldnt not report it as its in the publics interest but then things happen that lead you to think otherwise.

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So in other words, its now correct that the police dont tell us information we want to know? (until 3 wks later?) ...



....Magilla, the police didnt inform me, I saw it on the news.


Precisely the point. This information has been publicly available since the day of his supposed appearance, but the BBC chose not to report it. Why are you blaming the police for this?

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