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Over protective, over cautious parents or just real?

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That's puzzling me, too.


I'm also puzzled why the OP can't seem to grasp the simple fact that the police haven't been "hiding" what happened, and that it's the media who have chosen not to report what's going on.


I really cannot believe that the OPs thinks the minute any offender absconds, whether a paedophile or murder or whatever, the police should immediately start shouting the fact from the rooftops and sending people into a panic.


If there is real and immediate danger to the public, I'm damn sure the police do call press conferences, etc.

Its not that I cant grasp it, its that there has been other threads conflicting this, so I need to know which one to grasp. I only want to know what the answer is, not cause you to start slamming your hand down on your keyboard shrieking "why doesnt truthwillout understand this" I simply dont understand it, calm down about it.
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Its not that I cant grasp it, its that there has been other threads conflicting this, so I need to know which one to grasp. I only want to know what the answer is, not cause you to start slamming your hand down on your keyboard shrieking "why doesnt truthwillout understand this" I simply dont understand it, calm down about it.
My bold


Are you familiar with the term "transference"??


You're the one who appears to panicking, not me - I certainly don't have the energy (or inclination) to shriek!


Perhaps if you could post some links to examples of posts where people have told you that the police will always instantly inform everybody if a paedophile goes missing, it would be easier to understand why you're getting your knickers in such a knot over the fact that one has been at liberty for 3 weeks.

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My bold


Are you familiar with the term "transference"??


You're the one who appears to panicking, not me - I certainly don't have the energy (or inclination) to shriek!


Perhaps if you could post some links to examples of posts where people have told you that the police will always instantly inform everybody if a paedophile goes missing, it would be easier to understand why you're getting your knickers in such a knot over the fact that one has been at liberty for 3 weeks.

I havent at any point panicked with regards the man who has been on the run for 3 weeks, I have shown concern with regards where and where not the general public get to know about it, hes got links in various places in Yorkshire and possibly beyond, the chances of him passing through my area, though possible are pretty slim.


The posts im refering to wasnt about pedaphiles going missing and the police informing the public, they were with regards to incidents that the OP had heard had happened, with nothing to back them up, the other forum users were telling the op that if any such incidents had occured that the police would make it public, I used that as an example as here we are now with this news one has been at large for 3 weeks(pmsl) all of a sudden it seems the public wouldnt be made aware, due to vigilante attacks or them not being that much of a risk etc


As this could be the result of the media choosing not to cover the story:hihi: I feel I have had a reasonable answer to my question as I hadnt previously contemplated that they would ignore the fact that a man who had raped a child was running wild and free through our region.


3 weeks is a long you know.

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I dont know why we sometimes dont hear about it until ages after,


I think that this is the key point. Out of everything you've posted so far, this is the only thing that actually makes sense, and it goes a long way to explaining the rest of your posts in this thread.


Maybe if you can resolve this by finding out why you don't hear about things until ages after, you can then make a sensible comment about it and stop accusing the police of something. I've vague on the something as it's not even clear what you expect them to have done, contacted you personally perhaps to warn you?

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the other forum users were telling the op that if any such incidents had occured that the police would make it public, I used that as an example as here we are now with this news one has been at large for 3 weeks(pmsl) all of a sudden it seems the public wouldnt be made aware, due to vigilante attacks or them not being that much of a risk etc


As this could be the result of the media choosing not to cover the story:hihi: I feel I have had a reasonable answer to my question as I hadnt previously contemplated that they would ignore the fact that a man who had raped a child was running wild and free through our region.


3 weeks is a long you know.


Ah, this might make a little more sense.

Are you referring to things like the alleged turks in a van trying to abduct children all over the city, or the attempted rape in a park where the police just returned the sex offender to his halfway house?

There's a big difference between these examples, geographically localised, not on the run, and actively committing crimes and the example you're using here.

The police are quick to tell the public through the media when they believe there's a clear danger to them.

In the case of absconded criminals who are likely to be trying to evade capture and could be anywhere in the country, the media is free to report it, but the police obviously in the example you're using didn't judge it necessary to make any sort of announcement.


If the police called a press conference over every reported crime or bail jumper then the media would soon start to ignore them. You're just going to have to accept that someone has to make a judgement call and that the person making it is in a better position to judge than you are.

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How does knowing there's one more paedophile on the streets make a difference anyway?

There are almost certainly paedophiles living in the same neighbourhood as the OP.


Truthwillout, how will knowing that this bloke is in prison actually change the way you behave?

Will you do things any differently?

Not let your children leave the house?


Halibut, if he keeps the kids in, it'll make it all the easier for their "Uncle Bob" to access them, considering it's far more likely that Uncle Bob will be the one to abuse them, rather than some random Columbo lookalike in a macintosh, on the corner...

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It makes a difference because its one more sexual predator behind bars, I have absalutly no doubt what so ever that there are pedaphiles in the area I live now, (snip)


you need to be careful, T-W-O... Keep your vigilance up... You never know when or if a paediatrician might be thinking of buying a property in your locale...

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Ok so people are saying very similar things as to what were posted in the threads id seen, but still im not the wiser..unless the media is the answer of course.


Would it be all round easier if we forgot the word pedaphile and changed it to rapist or any other dangerous offender? That way it might stay on the topic iv raised and not go into the most likely offender is uncle Bob, I saw all that on the other thread, it didnt teach me anything that I hadnt already been taught...apart from, if someone asks a question..yes just a question, then other people go on and on and on about it being a terrible thing that they have enquired about.


My question is why dont the police tell the public..thats THE PUBLIC not me when someone dangerous is on the run? someone has mentioned that its perhaps not the police but the media that wont tell the public.... Why does it make certain people go thru the roof just because I wanted a question answering...


Last night every time I wrote this "3 weeks" I found myself with tears of laughter, id forgotten that this place can be so irrate...I mean if youv got a personal reason and the issue affects you then by all means air your views, but come on....repeating yourself on numerous threads regarding similar issues.. Id rather knit a scarf out of barbed wire than have to put myself thru that time after time..


Anyway..so is it looking like the media stop this news that I find important,(but you dont so you harrass me about my question) or do the police do it? Or is it just both? And how do you know?


Now with regards to the police, Im very very much aware of what a hard job they do and most of them do it very well indeed, im not disputing this fact, I just want to know if its them who stops us finding out whos on the run, think i have asked my question about 3 times now in one post.


Until tommorow x

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