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Over protective, over cautious parents or just real?

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Ok so people are saying very similar things as to what were posted in the threads id seen, but still im not the wiser..unless the media is the answer of course.


Would it be all round easier if we forgot the word pedaphile and changed it to rapist or any other dangerous offender? That way it might stay on the topic iv raised and not go into the most likely offender is uncle Bob, I saw all that on the other thread, it didnt teach me anything that I hadnt already been taught...apart from, if someone asks a question..yes just a question, then other people go on and on and on about it being a terrible thing that they have enquired about.


My question is why dont the police tell the public..thats THE PUBLIC not me when someone dangerous is on the run? someone has mentioned that its perhaps not the police but the media that wont tell the public.... Why does it make certain people go thru the roof just because I wanted a question answering...


Last night every time I wrote this "3 weeks" I found myself with tears of laughter, id forgotten that this place can be so irrate...I mean if youv got a personal reason and the issue affects you then by all means air your views, but come on....repeating yourself on numerous threads regarding similar issues.. Id rather knit a scarf out of barbed wire than have to put myself thru that time after time..


Anyway..so is it looking like the media stop this news that I find important,(but you dont so you harrass me about my question) or do the police do it? Or is it just both? And how do you know?


Now with regards to the police, Im very very much aware of what a hard job they do and most of them do it very well indeed, im not disputing this fact, I just want to know if its them who stops us finding out whos on the run, think i have asked my question about 3 times now in one post.


Until tommorow x


They do, if they consider there's a significant risk to the public.

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Why couldnt people just answer it this way, theres 2 pages of arguements now.


I want to know if there is any truth in a rumour i heard today regarding the area surrounding Arbourthorne school and a hooded man with a gun..


Is this a reasonable question to ask do you think? Will I be treated like I would if id asked about a pedaphile on the run?


Thanks for your replies even if I had heard them all before.

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I want to know if there is any truth in a rumour i heard today regarding the area surrounding Arbourthorne school and a hooded man with a gun..


Is this a reasonable question to ask do you think? Will I be treated like I would if id asked about a pedaphile on the run?


As a complete loon, you mean?

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The Police will be sympathetic and I would imagine very interested in the hooded gunman roaming Arborthorne that nobody has told them about.


Shouldn't you be dialling 999 straight away if there is a hooded gunman on the loose? SF won't catch him.

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:help:Recently on this forum that we all turn to during times of news blackouts such as the Blackstock rd armed siege etc etc I have noticed that if a parent/carer dares mention anything regarding the worry of pedaphiles or asks if anyone knows anything regarding an incident, that there are a multitude of people who go insane by the question, they frequently argue the police would never hide such an incident from the public bla bla bla........


:rant:If you check out BBC news (LEEDS??????) you will see that it has recently been reported that a pedaphile has been on the run since the 16th of June, after failing to appear in court and was convicted in his absence.


It is now Monday the 12th of July and we the public, the over protective parents:roll: were informed this weekend.:suspect:


I have used paragraphs to try and fend off the grammer police:)


The difference between this event and the ones that have been recently described on the forum are that the latter related to crimes that were alleged to have been committed, when in fact they were all **** & bull stories as recently confirmed by one of the inspectors on the SNA teams.


An on the run paedophile is a serious issue, but the police know who they're looking for, it isn't quite the same as the police covering up the abduction of children by persons unknown, which is an entirely different scenario.

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Ah, this might make a little more sense.

Are you referring to things like the alleged turks in a van trying to abduct children all over the city, or the attempted rape in a park where the police just returned the sex offender to his halfway house?

There's a big difference between these examples, geographically localised, not on the run, and actively committing crimes and the example you're using here.

The police are quick to tell the public through the media when they believe there's a clear danger to them.

In the case of absconded criminals who are likely to be trying to evade capture and could be anywhere in the country, the media is free to report it, but the police obviously in the example you're using didn't judge it necessary to make any sort of announcement.


If the police called a press conference over every reported crime or bail jumper then the media would soon start to ignore them. You're just going to have to accept that someone has to make a judgement call and that the person making it is in a better position to judge than you are.


Sorry, you got there before me Cyclone :thumbsup:

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My question is why dont the police tell the public..thats THE PUBLIC not me when someone dangerous is on the run? someone has mentioned that its perhaps not the police but the media that wont tell the public....


The media can choose to report whatever it likes. Mainly it focuses on stories that will get more people to watch their tv news broadcasts or buy their newspapers.


If a criminal is on the loose, whether they have just committed the crime or they have absconded from court or prison, the police have to decide whether to publicise this fact to the general public. I would guess that they need to balance things like the level of danger to the public, how much of a panic it may cause, and whether it's actually more likely to help them find the criminal.


If they think it's right to publicise, the police will ask the media to help with this, perhaps by inviting them to attend a press conference or maybe by sending them relevant details by email or fax.

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Why couldnt people just answer it this way, theres 2 pages of arguements now.


I want to know if there is any truth in a rumour i heard today regarding the area surrounding Arbourthorne school and a hooded man with a gun..


Is this a reasonable question to ask do you think? Will I be treated like I would if id asked about a pedaphile on the run?


Thanks for your replies even if I had heard them all before.


No, none whatsoever.

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The difference between this event and the ones that have been recently described on the forum are that the latter related to crimes that were alleged to have been committed, when in fact they were all **** & bull stories as recently confirmed by one of the inspectors on the SNA teams.


An on the run paedophile is a serious issue, but the police know who they're looking for, it isn't quite the same as the police covering up the abduction of children by persons unknown, which is an entirely different scenario.


Providing it was the whole truth.

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