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Over protective, over cautious parents or just real?

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I guess the conclusion should be, "keep an open mind, but don't let your brain fall out".


It's generally pretty easy to figure out whether a rumour has any basis in fact, exercise a degree of common sense and cynicism and you won't be taken in by too many tall stories.


just call me a cynic, cyclone! :D

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you really make me laugh, you know. Did you write comedy in a previous life, or something?




Well, I think you can be pretty certain that if someone had been armed, hanging about near a Sheffield school, hell nor high water would have stopped the Star from licking its lips and printing a story like that! Anyone with a ha'p'orth of brain will be more than aware of that as a concept.


We'd have never heard the last of an incident like that, with all the wannabe- Helen Lovejoys all a-weeping, and a-wailing, and a-wringing their hands crying "Oh! Won't somebody think of the children!"


Your third paragraph is unintelligible, incidentally. What have you discussed with anyone? And why do I have to understand if you have discussed anything with anyone?


I can discuss the idea that the moon's made out of green cheese, if I so wish, but discussing it does not make it any the truer.


Spreading rumours, that there's armed males, hanging round a Sheffield school or schools would be guaranteed to start a stampede akin to shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre. (same as telling folk that there's Turkish-looking men in a van, hanging about waiting to pounce)


And none of yours make any at all.

Being found out for your parrot like behaviour is no need to go off this way.


Take your own advice, just like you I too can discuss what I want, and take note, I havent once entered any of your threads and started using everyone elses one liners as my own.


Pretty Polly pretty polly.


Off topic, so im off!

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Well, that's okay, we won't have to listen to the rumour-mongering any more, will we?
Possibly, depends if I or anyone else needs to enquire about any future events that may cause alarm but arnt reported anywhere, either because the police have decided not to disclose it, or because the media arnt that interested in it, (as discussed a few pages ago) but im sure we will still have to listen to you telling us what someone else said on another thread because you cant think of anything of your own.


Either way, no one has to listen to anyone on here, its all finger and eye work.


Pieces of 8 pieces of 8:huh:

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