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LibDem Councillor says party faces being wiped out by Labour

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oh for god sake


we should be happy that we have a government who is going to do what has to be done. i am sure nobody takes delight in making life harder for people (with cuts etc...) but at the end of the day they are cutting a deficiet!!!!!!


that means we are SPENDING TOO MUCH MONEY (MORE MONEY THAN WE HAVE COMING IN). cutting the deficiet can only be a good thing IN THE LONG TERM. if labor were still in power our debt would be rising at a higher rate than it is with this government.



i like the balance of the tories and the lib dems. it seems to be working well, its just idiots like this on the ground who want to get their name and smug faces in the papers talking a load of crap and living in the past. they are the ones who are out to divide opinion and split this coalition.

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The Lib Dem voters got what they wanted, Lib Dems in power. They were never going take a majority of the vote themselves so they were always going to have to form a coalition to get in power at all.


If they're facing a uproar for joining with the Tories, imagine the uproar had they propped up a failing Labour government.

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They are making far bigger cuts than any economist says are necessary - our debt, compared to many countries, is perfectly manageable, due to it's nature (being mostly low interest bonds)


well you can pick and choose which economists you agree with when it comes to politics, you can find groups who think one thing and other groups who think the exact opposite.


but like i said at the end of the day we should be aiming to get out of debt, not managing debt.



if i had 10 grand personal debt, i could easily pay it off at £100 a month for 9 years. or i could stop wasting so much money that i am spending, and pay it off at a rate of £400 per month.


i know which one i would do personally.



one other thing i would like to say is that... we spend all these billions, we bloody spend 13 billion on aid to other countries alone! i think we would have a better future if some of these billions were put into a pot for scientific research. fund science and technology, then fund manufacturing plants to put the new discoveries into action. then maybe in 50 years time we will have something to offer the world instead of just the financial sector and property market.


if the debt was been used like that, then i would support it, but its been wasted.

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I thought the Lib Dems had already been wiped out by Labour, especially in Sheffield?


After all the talk on here around the time of the televised debates, I thought there would be a huge Lib-Dem victory in all Sheffield seats.


But, as usual, in the working class towns of the North they blindly vote Labour "cos my dad did, and his dad's did" or "Thatcher shut down the pits and steel works".

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I thought the Lib Dems had already been wiped out by Labour, especially in Sheffield?


After all the talk on here around the time of the televised debates, I thought there would be a huge Lib-Dem victory in all Sheffield seats.


But, as usual, in the working class towns of the North they blindly vote Labour "cos my dad did, and his dad's did" or "Thatcher shut down the pits and steel works".


lets face it the the lib dums will never get into power as the largest party, whilever ive got a hole in my backside. It will never happen

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I thought the Lib Dems had already been wiped out by Labour, especially in Sheffield?


After all the talk on here around the time of the televised debates, I thought there would be a huge Lib-Dem victory in all Sheffield seats.


But, as usual, in the working class towns of the North they blindly vote Labour "cos my dad did, and his dad's did" or "Thatcher shut down the pits and steel works".



if the lib dems are "wiped out" it is not "by labour" or "by the tories". they are wiped out by the VOTING PUBLIC!


it irritates the hell out of me how people in this city still vote labour. i know the tories dont do south yorkshire any favors, but labour are not the answer. how can tony blair relate to me? how can any politician relate to me? or any rich union boss? they are all rich, we are all the ones serving under them.


the only person we can rely on is ourself, everyone else is out to milk you for their own agenda. the unions support immigration because the more workers in the country, the more power to the unions... its all about agenda.

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it irritates the hell out of me how people in this city still vote labour. i know the tories dont do south yorkshire any favors, but labour are not the answer. how can tony blair relate to me? how can any politician relate to me? or any rich union boss? they are all rich, we are all the ones serving under them.


so if labour are not the answer for Sheffield who is? Certainly not the tories, whether they are in their well known blue form or thier recently adopted yellow form. If you cant relate to any politician who do you want running the city?

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