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Loud car & bike exhausts - should the police take more action?

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Loud car exhausts - Usually owned by a young male with a smaller than average penis and very few prospects in life.


Tony the Tiger says stereotyping is greeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaat.

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I think people who drive/ride cars/bikes with over loud exhausts are just bleedin` ignorant, and, in fact, society agrees because there are laws to limit the ear splitting racket that some peoples` exhausts make.

So, under the Freedom of Information Act I asked South Yorkshire police how many people had been charged with having an over loud exhaust. In the last year, in the whole of South Yorkshire, only seven people were charged with these offences, that`s SEVEN !

I`m absolutely shocked by that appallingly low figure and will be writing to the Chief Constable, my MP, and the Noise Abatement Society.

But there`s a wider point here, what the hell are we paying the police for ?

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The Chavs in their tiny engined cars , who are so thick they think a big exhaust gives it more power are a menace on the roads in their Saxo`s and Corsa`s.


There was a rumour recently that the new Government were conducting a survey into how many men had very small manhoods ,and asked all men with such manhoods to attatch a big loud exhaust to their car to make it easier for government surveyers to count them .

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