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Loud car & bike exhausts - should the police take more action?

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The exhaust has to be over a certain decibel for the police to prosecute the driver, if its under then they cannot do anything about it. Also it depends on the time of day that the driver is making the noise and where about they are. Its not because it makes them get loads more power its just the fact of the noise that these 'chavs' or what ever you may call them like. Plus the head turning from people that they get, and that's not just from the oldies that never had a life when they were growing up. Plus your joke is lame... not funny and there's plenty of the same joke on different subjects.

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Its not because it makes them get loads more power its just the fact of the noise that these 'chavs' or what ever you may call them like.


Why does someone get turned on by the noise from their exhaust :huh:


Plus the head turning from people that they get,


I will let you into a little secret ................... its not head turning they get , its people laughing at their silly little shed of a car with its silly exhaust, oversized wheels and go faster stripes. :hihi::hihi:

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Clearly your one of those little oldies that didn't have a life when they were younger haha


Oh and people don't laugh, you'd be surprised at how many oldies that did have a life unlike you actually like loud cars. Its the time, effort and money that people put into the cars that make people appreciate them, unlike people like you that are probably obese and scrounging off the government. :)


i rest my case


shed No 1




shed No 2




Feast your eyes on these Chav mobiles




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I think people who drive/ride cars/bikes with over loud exhausts are just bleedin` ignorant, and, in fact, society agrees because there are laws to limit the ear splitting racket that some peoples` exhausts make.

So, under the Freedom of Information Act I asked South Yorkshire police how many people had been charged with having an over loud exhaust. In the last year, in the whole of South Yorkshire, only seven people were charged with these offences, that`s SEVEN !

I`m absolutely shocked by that appallingly low figure and will be writing to the Chief Constable, my MP, and the Noise Abatement Society.

But there`s a wider point here, what the hell are we paying the police for ?


If it bothers you make a note of the registration number and report it to the police. It is an offence under EU law to modify the exhaust of a type approved vehicle if it results in more noise than the standard type approved system. The police have equipment to check these things and there is a system of on the spot fines that can be applied. Folks soon get the message if they get a £30 fine each time they go round the block.

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surely driving round with loud exhausts is better than running around stabbing each other!? plus, while theyre driving slowly showing their super rapid cars off theyre not speeding therefore putting lives at risk?

im not a massive fan of big exhausts myself, but whatever you say/ do, nothing will ever change. sorry about that.

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yeah, your 'right' to make a loud noise and wake my sleeping baby is far more important than my right to enjoy my home in peace - bearing in mind your loud noise leaves me with a crying baby for however long after you've disappeared :rolleyes:


I'm with the OP on this one


Any idea how many people work shifts and don't want to be woken in the middle of the afternoon either?

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