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Loud car & bike exhausts - should the police take more action?

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I don't make loud noises with my car. Just saying that there will always be boys with loud exhausts.

Surely if you have a complaint then I'd suggest having a trip to exhaust uk as I bet they make 90% of the exhausts on little boys cars these days.

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i rest my case


shed No 1




shed No 2




Feast your eyes on these Chav mobiles





Personally i think chavs doing this to these cars is a good thing otherwise they might start ruining nice cars and that would be sacrilege.

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I think people who drive/ride cars/bikes with over loud exhausts are just bleedin` ignorant, and, in fact, society agrees because there are laws to limit the ear splitting racket that some peoples` exhausts make.

How old are they though? Teenagers/young adults mainly in my observation. Hardly surprising really. When most people pass their test, they want a car. Perhaps we've evolved from beating chests (males PoV), into a modern equivalent (how ever laughable it is).

So, under the Freedom of Information Act I asked South Yorkshire police how many people had been charged with having an over loud exhaust. In the last year, in the whole of South Yorkshire, only seven people were charged with these offences, that`s SEVEN !

Good 'ole Freedom of information act.

I`m absolutely shocked by that appallingly low figure and will be writing to the Chief Constable, my MP, and the Noise Abatement Society.

:hihi: I nearly fell for it until I saw that. Still, I'll leave my 'fell for it' comments. :)

But there`s a wider point here, what the hell are we paying the police for ?

Playing along ... but genuinely interested ...


How much do you think the police should set aside for loud exhausts?

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Personally i think chavs doing this to these cars is a good thing otherwise they might start ruining nice cars and that would be sacrilege.
lol, were you born a grumpy old man? I don't mind the pimped rides. I used to have one myself, a white pimped-up Lada hehe, how bad is that? :blush:


The problem is the unnecessary noise and Subarus are amongst the worst culprits. I mean, what are they for, bloody noisy things, sounds like the exhaust fell off em. :D


As for the bikes, how does sticking a rag up the exhaust to make it deafen everyone within a mile and make babies cry, save the riders life? As for pedstrians, we can HEAR you long before we can SEE you, so not our lives being saved. Loud pipes are more more to get you killed by daggers, than anything, imo!


I feel so much better for that :rant: Thank you!

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The exhaust on my bike is 96db and its loud, I like it "Loud pipes save lives".


This is absolute rubbish.

Most bikers are killed by cars or them losing control of their machines.

On the first point most car drivers have their windows closed and their stereos on, particularly if they`ve got to listen to other peoples` horribly loud exhausts, so they`d never hear you anyway.

Loud exhausts may save the odd pedestrian from being hit but I`d have thought it relatively uncommon for pedestrians to be hit by motorbikes, cars would be the main killer.


Whatever you think about the above arguments if you`re saying that motorbikes are so dangerous that they need exhausts so loud that they upset other people then there`s an obvious answer isn`t there ?

Ban them. Not that I`m saying that, I`m just taking your argument to its logical conclusion.


Stop trying to justify yourself with spurious arguments, any road user who deliberately fits a louder exhaust to their vehicle is just plain ignorant.

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This is absolute rubbish.

Most bikers are killed by cars or them losing control of their machines.

On the first point most car drivers have their windows closed and their stereos on, particularly if they`ve got to listen to other peoples` horribly loud exhausts, so they`d never hear you anyway.

Loud exhausts may save the odd pedestrian from being hit but I`d have thought it relatively uncommon for pedestrians to be hit by motorbikes, cars would be the main killer.


Whatever you think about the above arguments if you`re saying that motorbikes are so dangerous that they need exhausts so loud that they upset other people then there`s an obvious answer isn`t there ?

Ban them. Not that I`m saying that, I`m just taking your argument to its logical conclusion.


Stop trying to justify yourself with spurious arguments, any road user who deliberately fits a louder exhaust to their vehicle is just plain ignorant.


Bikes are only dangerous if you ride them like an idiot or because most car drivers cannot see further than the end of their bonnet. I have definately noticed less drivers pulling out or attempting to pull out on me since i fitted the loud exhaust. I will keep my loud exhaust and yes you are entitled to your opinion even if its not worth reading.

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surely driving round with loud exhausts is better than running around stabbing each other!? plus, while theyre driving slowly showing their super rapid cars off theyre not speeding therefore putting lives at risk?

im not a massive fan of big exhausts myself, but whatever you say/ do, nothing will ever change. sorry about that.


I don't think it's better, I think chavs should be made to ride bicycles if they do stupid things to their cars


It seems that the worse the car looks the louder they have to make it


Are any of these sheds they drive able to get upto the speed limit, maybe they could if the chavs took off their fake gold chains


What happened to that excellent Chav hunting thread with the video, it's an excellent idea and it would solve some of the problems

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