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That nice Mr Obama, not so nice after all?

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For those not familiar with the strange tale of the Iranian nuclear scientist who defected or was abducted ending up in the USA, read here. It finally seems he was abducted by the Americans and was held against his will. He's now escaped and sought asylum in the Iranian section of the Pakistani Embassy in Washington.


That nice Mr Obama is turning out to be just like any other US President.



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yeah sure is its only the same evil rich elite that controlled bush baby, the long legged mack daddy is just as evil. type tent city in google he said there would be change enjoy because that's coming to the uk.:mad:

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He's a complete fraud and has been since his election.

Lowest approval rating of any president in history..

Promised to end the war in iraq but instead expanded it...

Certain to be a one term president..

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For those not familiar with the strange tale of the Iranian nuclear scientist who defected or was abducted ending up in the USA, read here. It finally seems he was abducted by the Americans and was held against his will. He's now escaped and sought asylum in the Iranian section of the Pakistani Embassy in Washington.


That nice Mr Obama is turning out to be just like any other US President.




What about the three young Americans being held in an Iranian jail on spy charges when it was quite apparent that they had wandered over the border by mistake.


Old Dinnerjacket is holding tham as pawns for any furure deals


Maybe they could swap this scientist for the three US hostages


As usual you only see one side when posting your anti- American rhetoric

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As usual you only see one side when posting your anti- American rhetoric


It's not anti-American. He is talking about one man - the president of the US. Criticism of his actions is not criticism of America. America is much bigger than the president.

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Since the man is a scientist it can be assumed that he is of well above average intelligence which leads me to the question why he would want to go back to live in the kind of country that has recently sentenced a young woman to death by stoning for commiting adultry. Confession of said adultry obtained by receiving 99 lashes


No accounting for taste is there

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It's not anti-American. He is talking about one man - the president of the US. Criticism of his actions is not criticism of America. America is much bigger than the president.


And Iran is much bigger that old Dinnerjacket but judging by the hundreds of dissidents held in his jails and his condoning of death by stoning of a young woman he obviously thinks he's Mister Iran himself.

It's obvious anyway when you look at him speak, Always that smirk on his face


He has the power to free the three Americans but it suits his own purposes to continue to let them rot in his jail.


So who is the OP to start calling the kettle black

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I don't think anyone is claiming the Iranian leader is a paragon of virtue, this thread is about the current puppet in the whitehouse.


Unlike old Dinnerjacket Obama was elected in an open and fair election.


Thousands and thousands of Iranian apparenrly didn't think Dinnerjacket won by fair means and he threw them all in jail or killed them for thinking that.


Obama is no puppet but are you a puppet of someone's brainwashing by any chance?

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