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That nice Mr Obama, not so nice after all?

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poppins doesn't like him, though, she said so. :)


She lives in a democracy like I do so she has right to express her opinions.


In Iran though saying bad things about the Mullahs and their puppet Dinnerjacket can get you whipped and thrown in prison

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It's not anti-American. He is talking about one man - the president of the US. Criticism of his actions is not criticism of America. America is much bigger than the president.


I think in a sense the argument works better the other way around. Whilst it may be regrettable, and ultimately he is accountable I doubt that Obama or any President has ever really known everything the CIA does. Any criticisms here are better directed at the CIA than Obama.


For context do we really believe that George Bush approved torture experiments on non-combatants?




Even if you do. Do you blame Obama for not being able to get the funds through the Senate to transfer the prisoners out Guantanamo so he can close it down? Surely the issue here doesn't relate to one man, but to the much more complex problem of the US Govt.

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He's starting to sound like Bush more and more every time he makes a speech.


By his deeds you shall know him. Actions speak louder than words. In terms of policies, very little has changed since Bush. Bank bailouts, Guantanamo Bay, rendition, the escalation of the illegal foreign wars, the seemingly remorseless increase in the U.S. deficit and, with the advent of the new health care bill, even more unfunded liabilities.


He's just better at reading off an autocue than Bush (but terrible without one, full of ums and ahs).

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Iran may have been bad enough under the Shah. I wont argue that issue but by comparison it is a horrible state to live in today.


Iranians are not Arabs by race and like the Turks the Iranians were always inclined to a more begnine Muslim society


Today however it is dominated by old fanatics who should have been chucked into their wheel chairs long ago and pushed off into history. These people think exactly like the Nazis and the worst kind of communists


For those Iranian supporters I'm curious how many have actually lived in that country.

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By his deeds you shall know him. Actions speak louder than words. In terms of policies, very little has changed since Bush. Bank bailouts, Guantanamo Bay, rendition, the escalation of the illegal foreign wars, the seemingly remorseless increase in the U.S. deficit and, with the advent of the new health care bill, even more unfunded liabilities.


He's just better at reading off an autocue than Bush (but terrible without one, full of ums and ahs).


Why is Obama responsible for the Senate blocking what he wants to do?


Surely it is the Senate that should be held accountable for its actions.

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I don't think anyone is claiming the Iranian leader is a paragon of virtue, this thread is about the current puppet in the whitehouse.
I'd planned not to get into yet another slanging match, but calling Obama a puppet is supposed to indicate my vote or anybody elses was not valid. Whether our votes worked out right or not, the man is in the White House because we said so.. Expecting one man, President or not,to solve all the problems of the world is ridiculous. Faced with real and urgent matters, he cannot just say do it. He has to convince an often hostile Congress and Senate. Otherwise you're looking at a dictatorship, and America is not that. If you want to change the world, get into it, don't just mouth off at others.
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Why is Obama responsible for the Senate blocking what he wants to do?


Surely it is the Senate that should be held accountable for its actions.[/QUOTE]


And who would hold the Senate accountable for it's actions.? There is no higher authority when it comes to making decisions of this kind and voting on matters of policy. The President has certain veto powers along with others but no power over the senate when a vote is passed in a case like this.


There was talk of locating the prisoners to a high security prison in rural Illinois but none of the locals want them there.


I think shipping them over to England specifically Sheffield would be a capital idea :D

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