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That nice Mr Obama, not so nice after all?

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Why is Obama responsible for the Senate blocking what he wants to do?


Surely it is the Senate that should be held accountable for its actions.

The founding fathers created three levels of goverrnment, the execuive, represented by the president, the administrive represented by Congress and Senate, and the judiciary represented by the Supreme Court.By this method no one body could totally control the country. George Bush tried hard to circumvent this in his quest for war, and succeeded to some extent for a while.
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Unlike old Dinnerjacket Obama was elected in an open and fair election.


Thousands and thousands of Iranian apparenrly didn't think Dinnerjacket won by fair means and he threw them all in jail or killed them for thinking that.


Obama is no puppet but are you a puppet of someone's brainwashing by any chance?


Again i shall repeat this slowly just for your benefit. T h i s t h r e a d i s a b o u t t h e p r e s i d e n t o f t h e u n i t e d s t a t e s.....


It has nothing to do with Iran....... period.... Phew!!!!

Barry Soetoro has done nothing he said he would in fact he's done quite the opposite.

If you want I'll agree that the Iranian leader is worse but it's hardly a glowing endorsement for the president of the united states to say that 'dinnerjacket' is worse.

The only one brainwashed appears to be you!

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To clarify... I'm not defending Iran, its leaders or its way of running a country. I hope the people of Iran finally overthrow their nasty-minded mediaeval theocracy. I know a lot of people who have been to Iran and universally they say "People good, leaders baaaad!"


A bit like America :hihi:


I thought America led by Obama was going to be the fluffy and loveable champion of the common people, standing up against all that is unjust and unfair in the world. It turns out I was wrong.

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Again i shall repeat this slowly just for your benefit. T h i s t h r e a d i s a b o u t t h e p r e s i d e n t o f t h e u n i t e d s t a t e s.....

It has nothing to do with Iran....... period.... Phew!!!!

Barry Soetoro has done nothing he said he would in fact he's done quite the opposite.

If you want I'll agree that the Iranian leader is worse but it's hardly a glowing endorsement for the president of the united states to say that 'dinnerjacket' is worse.

The only one brainwashed appears to be you!


No need to adopt that patronizing school marm attitude with me New Guy.


It does have to do with Iran in a loose way and everytime some blinkered Yank phobe starts a thread like this one it's a guarantee that there'll be a response from old Harley here so get used to it PDQ :D

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To clarify... I'm not defending Iran, its leaders or its way of running a country. I hope the people of Iran finally overthrow their nasty-minded mediaeval theocracy. I know a lot of people who have been to Iran and universally they say "People good, leaders baaaad!"


A bit like America :hihi:


I thought America led by Obama was going to be the fluffy and loveable champion of the common people, standing up against all that is unjust and unfair in the world. It turns out I was wrong.



Fluffy and loveable ? :hihi::hihi:


In a word to quote Thatcher this is "wet"


The policies of a government cannot be changed at the flick of a switch and anyway the Iranian government is a pariah these days amongst many countries. Iran will have to get rid of it's crazy old Mullahs and the Goblin like Dinnerjacket before any normalcy can be restored between it and most of the rest of the world


At least this Iranian scientist is enjoying four square and a warm bed at night unlike the three American hostages who are languishing in an Iranian prison


Any words of sympathy for them? No of course not


The terrorists held in Guantanamo will never be free for the simple reason that if they were freed no country on earth including their own want them so in effect they are stateless, and they could never be allowed to stay in the US as free men either so if they are transferred from Gauntanamo it will only be to another prison somewhere in the continental USA. It would be more than Obama's political career at stake if he were in any way instrumental in letting them go So there you have it in a nutshell

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Why is Obama responsible for the Senate blocking what he wants to do?


Surely it is the Senate that should be held accountable for its actions.


Well people threw Gordon Brown out for Cameron and the Tories' (sounds like a band name, doesn't it?) blocking his policies on stuff like voting reform.

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Promised to end the war in iraq but instead expanded it...

Certain to be a one term president.


1. He is ending the War in Iraq. He's expanding the one in Afghanistan.

2. The impression he makes on this forum is largely irrelevant, as most of us are British, and not eligible to vote in the US.

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